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10 months ago

Hi, in doubt always call a search advice. Beware of “cold withdrawal” in self-reality. Easy to remove Risk of death mean! Therefore, it is important that you tell people how the Sitaution is acute. The best way to ask your doctor on withdrawal is today! Or go to emergency room with physical withdrawal and ask for advice. Here something to be recommended than talking to professionals and then without knowing your situation is very dangerous.

Otherwise, see what’s near you, regionally.

There’s something like a drug call:

For example, in Frankfurt, you speak with professionals. Alcohol is also a drug and the withdrawal can be very, very hard, so this can be a first point of contact.

Or go to a meeting of anonymous alcoholics or another self-help group that people know about such situations! Find on the Internet. Z.B. for Bonn:

But if you have physical withdrawal, ask professionals today.

10 months ago

Just drink.


Sports if possible. You get honest happiness + do something for your body.

If you have friends on the level, you can also call them, or just psychic hotlines.

10 months ago

Describe what situation is that, what feelings are emerging, how are you trying to cope with the situation without addiction?

Then find replacement behavior = Skills.

What are you doing right now? Could calm down or get out of people? A pleasant shower, cold or hot water? Do sports, meditate? Paint feelings or become creative? Everything can be used as a Skill if it reduces your Craving (search request) and does not damage short or long term.

Do you have therapeutic support?


10 months ago


Go to a meeting today: If there is no one near you today, register at an online meeting. You’ll find out what others did to get rid of the addiction print.

10 months ago

I don’t think there’s anything about a good therapy that’s really done to the end. And then the fingers ice out of that stuff.

10 months ago

I personally would recommend you either CBD oil or lavender oil. Be careful that it is 100% natural (standing on the bottle).