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As the bananas get away very quickly and I also often spice them for my pastry (both bowl), I buy them ripe to ripe. In other circumstances, it may be more sensible to buy them at a younger stage.
Usually we buy them green, then they lie in the kitchen until they are yellow and then we eat them. If they are overripe they land in the muesli.
If we know that they are used in a timely manner then yellow to browner. If not sure green and then come into a bag as needed with apples or the like.
Generally better to buy more often suitable if possible. There are almost always individual
Plus use as a cake ingredient. For milk or chips best overripe or ripe (chips with or without honey e.g.) Simply so.
Whoever comes on the grill (furnished and mixed with Nutella, then in shell again, is favorite of my girlfriend) must be at least ripe
Never mind. The kilo price counts. If you buy more and less bananas instead of hoarding a huge stock, the problem does not arise.
Just like that. That’s right! I’ll do things when I get some food, my muesli. Not every morning I eat one, and then they’re lying around. Often – lack of space – together with apples, or tomatoes.
That’s very bad! Apples and tomatoes, but some kind of gas that makes my bananas ripe in wind. They become incredibly fast yellow and brown and brown…the
Thank you for the thank you…and: All Banane
Thanks for the 2nd banana…
…you also have a green banana for your thanks
It’s more jealous. It’s not easy to find.
I usually buy the bananas that the stem is still green and the fruits themselves are already yellow, which survive with us only 2-3 days until we buy new 🤷 ♂️
They’re too green.
However, I do not take any bananas that are already too ripe.
I only buy bananas that are partly still green. they may be a little yellow, but really yellow bananas I find disgusting, as well as bananas with spots
Not like that, a little jealous.
mostly yellow green, but in no case with stains
Green, but I’ll eat it yellow.
I buy them so, but let them mature with them to become sweet
I buy and eat only the yellow bananas.
Jop, I love buying them green.
I usually buy my fruit ripe. Bananas must at least be completely yellow, then they can still mature at home for 2-3 days until the first brown points appear and they are edible.
I buy them so mature enough they will be very fast by themselves.
so perfect 👌
Actually, I don’t buy bananas because I don’t like them. I used to buy well matured when I was not a diabetics. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
Hello Superturk!
Bananas are so optimally healthy – I buy them so
Good day