Hello, is it possible to exchange euros into lira anywhere in Bodrum (Türkiye)?
Or is it difficult to find a currency exchange office?
Can you also pay with euros there?
Or is it difficult to find a currency exchange office?
Can you also pay with euros there?
Have any of you ever sailed across the Atlantic or are you planning to?
Hi, I spent quite a bit of money last month (€170 to be exact) on video games, or rather skins, and now I have to have a conversation with my parents about it. I know it was way too much money, but I don't know how to explain it to them so they'll understand. I…
She has a circle at the stars This is what it should actually look like
Hello folks, I completed the Hak in 2021 and have been unemployed since then. I don't know what to do with my life anymore. Since graduating, I've only been writing applications, 20 a day in fact, but I haven't received any acceptances. I think I was invited to 5 interviews but still no success. Is…
Hello there 🙂 I'm traveling to Thailand in 7 weeks. This will be my first long-distance trip alone. So, my question: While I'm on vacation, the grades for my state exam will be announced over the phone. That means I'd have to call Germany. But I don't know if and how that will work with…
Nein, überall kann man nicht wechseln.
Ja, es gibt eine Menge Wechselstuben.
Ja, man kann oft mit Euro bezahlen, ist aber teurer.
Da gibt es jede Menge Orte wo man Euro wechseln kann.
LcWaikiki wechselt zu einem guten Kurs.
Natürlich kann man nicht mit Euro zahlen. Wechseln kannst du dirt auch.