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2 years ago

He may retain the amount of allowance. This increases for every dependent child and even again when his wife is a housewife.

Well, he’s got to earn something he’s getting a little bit off.

2 years ago

and worry if he can’t buy his children anything to eat

He can. There are Pfändungschutzkonten, which help to enforce classical Pfändungfreibegeben. The allowance is designed to come with children and all of them and to the rounds, if he needs more, then he must make an application to court.

If he doesn’t get all this on the chain, the situation won’t be so bad.

2 years ago

He still has money. For this, there is the P account with protection up to certain amounts. Since He has children, He has more money available.

2 years ago

He has a certain amount of freedom to secure the minimum of existence.

Your concern is unfounded.