Hallo ist es ein Gutes Zeichen das wenn mann die hoden anfassen tut, das die dsbei nicht weh tuen??
Bitte keine Angst machen!
Bitte keine Angst machen!
werd in 2 wochen 16, bin 1,77 mache kraft sport und bin seit letzten jahr sommer 3 cm nur gewachsen (schlafe 6-7 stunden jede nacht)
Hallo! Ich bin W und 15 Jahre alt und im Moment 1.71m ich würde gerne noch so 1,75 werden und wollte fragen ob das theoretisch noch möglich wäre? Also ich wachse eigentlich nicht „durchgehend“ sondern habe immer mal wieder paar Schübe. Also wie groß ward ihr ca. 15 und wie groß jetzt? Und bis wie…
hi ich suche ein bar enge kleider kann da mir jemand weiter helfen
Mein Hoden hängt in einem 17 cm langen Hodensack. Ist das eine normale Länge?
If it does not hurt in normal contact, it is generally a good sign.
Each boy or man has his own feeling, which touches he tolerates on the testicles as normal, pleasant or unnormal painful. Some people don’t like it at all, and they don’t care about it.
That could be a good sign. No need to worry.
Please in German.
Maybe you should get a dictionary. Then it succeeds both with spelling (see question) and with understanding (see my answer).
Otherwise you can do little here.
… “tuhen”…
I’m on the Writing of the questioner.
I don’t want to talk to you about that.
Sorry, but with the The extent of “kindergarten”, which now prevails, is without Much not tolerate humour; would not abstain good question I would have left the forum long ago…
I know how you mean, I just don’t think that’s funny. 🙄😴😒
“Tuhen” I’ve read here many times. Consequently, must: it is a “valid word”.
Just like All TikTok – Contributions are true – sorry – be true… 🤔🙄😂🤣
I can doubt that.
Under the premise that Tue a valid word, no properties could be found in the form used which could justify such an assumption.
to some extent…
However, a form of ‘his’ or ‘have’ (ideally in preteriority) as an auxiliary verb and a full verb in Partizip II is required for the plush fect. 😉
Me too; “tuhen” is the Plusquamperfekt 😉
If man touches the testicles, they should not hurt.
I hope I could steal!
Don’t do it either.