Hallo ich möchte mein pc ubgraden aber weiß nicht was zuerst meine CPU ist ein Intel Core i5 10400f und meine Grafikkarte ist eine GeForce gtx 1650?
Und mein mainboard ist ein msi pro h410m-b
Und mein mainboard ist ein msi pro h410m-b
Hallo leute, ich wollte Fragen welchen Teil ihr mir von den ganzen Modern Warfare Teilen empfehlen würdet. Im Auge habe ich gerade MW2 aus 2022 da er sehr gut sein soll. Meine Anforderungen sind lediglich das die Grafik top sein sollte. Multiplayer muss es NICHT unbedingt haben da ich eh nur alleine spielen will bzw….
Ich habe mir eine Grafik karte eingebaut und sie danach wieder ausgebaut um meine Graphik einheit zu nutzten. Jetzt ist die Graphik Einheit schlechter als davor aber warum?
Hi, und zwar bin ich online auf mehrere Mainboards gestoßen auf denen Stand, dass sie fpr die Ryzen 7000 Series kompatibel sind. Aber ich dachte, wenn man sich ein am5 Mainboard holt, hötte man für die kommenden Generationen vorhesorgt. Kann mir das jmd. Erklären? Braucht man da ein Bios Update wie bei den am4 CPUs?
Hi, ich habe seit einem halben Jahr einen neuen PC. Komponenten: MSI MAG Vampiric 300R Midnight Green Intel i9-13900KF mit 8C+16c/32T/ 5.80GHz Turbotakt, 36MB Cache Endorfy Navis F360 Gigabyte Z790 GAMING X (inkl WLAN+BT) 64GB (4x16GB) DDR5 Corsair 5600MHz Vengeance 24GB NVIDIA RTX4090 1050W Enermax Revolution D.F. 2 80+ Gold (Vollmodular) Er hat nie Probleme…
Kann mir einer sagen welchen Anschluss da ran muss bzw. bitte auch link geben vielleicht welcher dazu passt weil ich hab nur VGA Anschluss zum monitor Würde dieser passen? Anschluss https://www.amazon.de/ANNNWZZD-Kabel-DVI-D-Stecker-AdapterKabel/dp/B0B8ZFPSCQ/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=3TTZELFD6Q7H2&keywords=vga+auf+vga&qid=1677594509&sprefix=vga+auf+vga%2Caps%2C125&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1&smid=A3M5K1HE9PQRI0 Grafikkarte https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01MFBKRI5/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=A1NFGH65RKSI8U&psc=1
Habe vor ein paar Monaten eine neue Grafikkarte (Radeon rx 6650 xt), und ein neues Netzteil (Ecostar 450W) in meinen PC eingebaut. Alles lief perfekt bis gestern, als er einfach aus dem Nichts abgestürzt ist. Nun geht er nicht mehr an. Für einen kurzen Moment geht die vordere LED an wenn man den Startknopf drückt,…
Hello – you have to know: “The motherboard”: PRO H410M-B (msi.com), can only be found on the English-speaking network pages MSI Germany! This is also the most important component of the entire system, since almost everything is installed here! So, it’s the spine with all its nerves! From memory, a maximum of 64 gigabytes (plural) DDR4 – 2666 MÜ/S (million transmissions per second) are supported. From the data sheet I insert the upper & lower half:
The zpe (central processor unit): Intel® CoreTM i5-10400F processor is a saving processor with 65 Watts! The introductory date: Quarter 2/ 2020! From the memory, up to 128 gigabytes (plural) are supported here that work optimally with 2666 MÜ/S DDR4! By: Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology, a further virtual core is generated per core with the operating system and a task or even several tasks are processed paralel! In the intermediate store (in the foreign language English or intel is referred to as “smart cache”), with only 12 megabytes (plural), the somewhat leaner out. Here it is unclear whether the lines L1 to L3, all together have been calculated!
In the graphics chip: GeForce GTX 16 Series (nvidia.com) GeForce GTX 1650 is the manufacturer unknown or is it a founder (is called “founders” in the foreign language English) Edition/Version? I add the technical data as a picture of this series:
The memory of the unknown GraKa is only 4 gigabytes, which is quite small running with GDDR5, which is also a previous version. Current GraKa benefit GDDR6/x etc. 128 bits (plural) are under the standard! Desto higher this value, the more powerful the graphics performance of the GraKa is!
Unfortunately, you didn’t tip in to the memory. Here it should be at least 32 gigabytes (plural). So 16x16GB’s! We already have enough programs (digital games count) that claim 16GB’s for themselves at the minimum requirement & for the recommended requirement. If you only have 16GB’s or only 8, you’ll only do it! Here I recommend you to use these memory modules: G.Skill Aegis DIMM Kit 32GB, DDR4-2666 from € 45,89 (2024) | Price Comparison Geizhals Germany or what the main board supports at most: G.Skill NT Series DIMM Kit 64GB from € 105,90 (2024) | Price Comparison Geizhals Germany. One of the two pairs, you should buy and install! You should do that first!
So, what does not have to be replaced is the zpe!
What you need to replace first, what you can upgrade:
Geforce GraKa, need only the Download GeForce Experience | NVIDIA. It automatically checks if there are updates & optimizes the games for your used system.
On your main board: PRO H410M-B (msi.com), is the: Intel® H510 Chipsetfor which there are drivers: Intel® chipset software and drivers, follow the instructions or the first to install after you have installed the memory & a newer GraKa that has enough power! For chipset etc., you can read: What is a chipset driver and how to update chipset drivers? – Futuriq.de.
If you don’t understand or even want to know, just do it. I’ll be able to answer them.
Until the days
Why always write so much fairy tales when it gets much easier?
On the basis of this answer, I have some suspicion that it is a bad AI and an even worse translator.
Who writes Intel Kern I5?
You’re right. Thanks for a nice evening.
Must be ignored… At some point, it’s going to be solved by itself. Have a nice evening!
I don’t know what the guy’s writing about and how he got his text.
But take him seriously is as good as no one. Some FS have already criticized Him what he writes for a mischief & already he is insulting immediately.
It looks almost like it. ChatGPT can’t be, but it’s too underground.
This has happened to me & a few others here also suspiciously that it is suspected that it is AI text.
Don’t understand why the support doesn’t lock him.
I’d put it on the graphics card. Depending on the budget and the remaining components, there is a lot to do. So spontaneous is a RX 6650XT a good choice. Or an RX 4060.
It’s getting harder at the processor. The base 1200 platform is dead. Even the upgrade to an i7 10700F is hardly worth the performance and an i9 10900KF is too much for the board. So, because then change to a current platform. But this then costs a lot, as you also need mainboard and memory next to a processor.
PRO H410M-B (msi.com) 10700KF would still be the most plausible, but I would not do so in the face of the Office chipset, but everyone must make up for themselves if he wants this.
and ne RX6600 or 6650/6750XT