Hallo ich kann nicht mehr auf meine Festplatte Zugreifen?
Hallo ich habe dummer Weise heute an meinem pc bissel rumgespielt und habe so mit aus Versehen die Zugriff´s rechte für den Benutzer System entfernt, dass war ungefähr so
Lokaler Datenträge>Eigenschaften>Sicherheit>SYSTEM>alle verweigern
Weis jemand wie Man das wieder rückgängig mache jedes Mal wenn ich jetzt auf den lokalen Datenträger drücke kommt die Meldung (auf c kann nicht zugegriffen werden)
Ich habe Windows 10
Könnte man die festplatte einfach formartiren (allso meine daten auf den PC sind mir un wichtig Bilder,word daten etc)
Meine angst wenn ich das mache ist halt das ich den pc nicht mehr nutzen kann
Und wenn es villeicht eine option ist könnte sie mir dann schritt für schritt erklären was ich nach der festplatten formartirung zu machen habe
Yes, you can format them and then reinstall Windows completely, that should solve the problem. It is best to boot after formatting a Windows bootstick. Simply Googlen, how to create it and how to boot from it.
Allso in google just such a boot usb stick instalers with the at least 8gb or ?
Yes, make an Iso Stick with the Microsoft Media Creation tool and boot
I’d have one of sandisk
Yes, he has to be big enough and there must be no files on it, because they are deleted when creating.
Allso easy with right-click on the local data diver then formart …
And then what happens?
1. Get the bootstick ready
Two. Turn off the Pc and plug in the USB stick
3. Start the Pc and open the bios
4. Select the stick as a primary boat and boats
Five. Follow the displayed steps
6. Finished
The plate is then formatted quasi while installing. System hard disks cannot be formatted from the system.
Anyway, I have to make pc back into the bios and dan windows and then the plate is back on factory setting or
Exactly, then the old Windows system is deleted and a new “empty” system is installed.
You get the windows key via a program (Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder) or ?
and I use it for the new registration or do I have to buy a new windows?
No, the key is saved regardless of your current system. You really just have to reset it from the stick.
Could you make me look like youtube video link
Could you trick me a youtube video where he can get it well
Instalations art the lower or ?
I’m not sure what you mean by installation type, but you have to make it on the Usb stick.
At the top stand (reserve settings data) and at the top stand there (only for advanced users when using this option are no data settings etc pushed in windows )
Yes, then the lower
Thank you so much, I’ll make it this morning and I’ll tell you again if it’s worked out
I can’t download windows tool to my pc I can also download it to another pc or do I take the windows from the other pc?
No, you can do that on another system.
Don’t format, otherwise all files are gone. Just go where you changed something and get back in. Then you’d have to get back on it.
You need to add 2 users. Once SYSTEM with full access. And then your username also full access. Take over and then it should work.
Well, he wrote that his data is not important to him
I just saw it. Not important. Well, let him find out how he wants to do it.
Both possibilities should work
It’s not my pc hangs up and then comes a message with her what I can’t access the manager