Hallo, ich habe einen 8-jährigen Bruder, er wollte was mit mir machen wie z.B. verstecken spielen, ich finde es aber zu kindisch was können wir tun?

  1. Wass kann ich jezt machen ?
  2. Was für spiele können wir spilen ?
  3. Könt ihr uns helfen ?
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2 years ago

How about puzzeling or reading something or building something with Lego? You can paint something, too.

2 years ago

You can learn spelling

2 years ago

Play football, basketball etc., go to a playground and you show him how high you can swing or how to pull up on a pole. There’s a lot.

2 years ago
Reply to  Miajune

You can also do a lot inside. The rain outside doesn’t hurt you either.
Inside: UNO, slappo or similar cards and board games. 8 years old can.
Makes pauses: prepares a plan as you can scare or reinstate your parents. There’s really a lot of things you said, but do something:D