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Wachse ich noch?
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Ist es schlimm mit 11jahren (fast 12) 1,66cm groß zu sein?
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Besteht mein Körper seit der Geburt aus denselben Zellen?
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Good evening,
Yeah, that can change. You can grow until the 21st year of life.
It depends on your growth, maybe you’ve broken your foot or what’s on your hand and it’s been reddened.
Mfg elais
My husband was the smallest and made a huge shot with 14. And at 16 years it was 1, 84 tall.
Hello! Darian!
There can be a lot of things going through till 18 but in your case I would be looking for security – can you get a doctor
For the prediction of the later adult size of a child, the attending physician – usually an endocrinologist, but also many other doctors – the biological age – sets the “skeletal age”.
How much growth potential is still in the bone is very different from humans to humans – it does not coincide with the age of the child.
Only by means of an X-ray image – usually from the hand root bone of the left hand – can the development level be determined. After matching with an experience table, future growth can be determined with high precision.
Accuracy is 75 percent, nice evening
Yeah, no panic, you’re gonna grow up.
Yeah, you’re growing.
You haven’t grown up at 13 for a long time, so be patient you’ll grow.
Growing a person till 17 still