Hallo, haben Bilder im Code Fehlertoleranzen oder gehen sie gleich nocht mehr sobald eine 1 und 0 vertauscht ist?
Also Bilder im PC sind ja auch 1 und 0. Geht ein Bild nicht mehr auf, sobald da 1 Fehler drin ist? Oder hat das eine Fehlertoleranz? Wenn ja wie viel?
No general statement can be made.
The error tolerance of digital images depends on the file premat , compression method and associated with the position of the error in the compressed data stream.
And from the decoder.
If you have an error with Huffman /LZW compressed data, it is generally all after the error in “Chaos”
A GIF could be completely in the bucket.
PNG saves a CRC checksum for each data block, so that a conditional error correction may be possible depending on the decoder. (normally, the tests only provide information about corrupted data) .
In JPEG, the data corruption generally only concerns the respective data block and individual patterns.
In BMP/RAW, errors affect only one pixel.
In summary, the higher the compression of an image the greater the damage caused by a single error.
Problems exist only when errors in the image (header) are in the accompanying data – errors in the image itself become visible as pixel errors at best
….depends on the file format!
If you have an error with Huffman/LZW compressed data, then everything is broken.