Hallo! Hab ich Diabetes?
Mir ist oft morgens etwas übel und meine Arme sind an manchen Stellen leicht trocken. Außderm habe ich oft Durst, aber das kann auch daran liegen, dass ich gerade Corona habe. Außerdem finde ich das meine Fingernägel ein bisschen anders wachsen als sonst bzw. sich sich ein bisschen nach unten Rollen aber nicht so schlimm (siehe Fotos). Habt ihr irgendwelche Tipps was ich Essen könnte, damit es besser wird oder gar verschwindet? Ich wärt mir echt eine große Hilfe, weil ich sehr aufgeregt bin und etwas Angst habe. Ach übrigens meine Oma hat auch Diabetes. Kann das irgendwie Genetisch übertragen werden, weil ich eigentlich in letzter Zeit nicht viele Süßigkeiten und generell Dinge mit viel Zucker gegessen habe. Vielleicht mal ein Eis und im Urlaub (habe ich kein Eis gegessen), der seit einer Woche rum ist ein bisschen was beim Nachtisch Abends geholt aber ansonsten nichts.
Viele Grüße und hoffentlich rasch Viele Antworten.
Hallo Foencbf, 👋
“Diabetes” ist nur ein Überbegriff für
12 verschiedene Diabetes-Erkrankungen.
Die häufigsten sind
Typ2-Diabetes und Typ1-Diabetes.
Welche meinst du denn?
Typ2-Diabetes? Typ1-Diabetes?
Anzeichen sind ==> Überzuckerungssymptome.
Das sind keine Überzuckerungssymptome.
Hast du einen unlöschbaren Durst = Polydipsie?
Wie viele Liter trinkst du täglich?
Sind es 4 L? 5 L? 6 L 7 L? 8 L? 9 L?
Hast du auch sehr starken Harndrang = Polyurie?
Und was sollen deine Fingernägel mit
einer Diabetes-Erkrankung zu tun haben?
Genau … nichts.
Nein. Ernähre dich einfach gesund,
vollwertig und ausgewogen.
Typ2-Diabetes entsteht nicht
alleine nur durch viel Zucker….
…. und Typ1-Diabetes sowieso nicht.
LG 🙋🏻♀️🪶
I have no idea of diabetes, just in general if I could have it. So I don’t know if type 1 type 2 or any other variants. So my thirst is not insolable, for example, if I do anything, I can get hours without water or generally drink, but if I run past the water at home and think about it, I don’t get thirsty, and if I don’t drink, it’s also fast I’ll say “forget”. Besides, I don’t drink 4 liters. 2 liters are definitely the maximum and this is almost a bit too much. So I don’t have Harndrang either. I go once in the morning, 2 times in the afternoon, and so one or two times in the evening, so 4-6 times about a day, that’s what I think about the dark. But if I do, for example, Google, it says that symptoms such as nausea, dry skin and indeed there was something of “nail problems”. So according to your own experiences since 2006 with type 1 diabetes, these are not symptoms? And how does diabetes arise when not with too much sugar because I was always taught that I should not eat too many candy and generally sugar because you can get diabetes…
But otherwise thank you, many greetings and you still have a nice rest Monday
If you Type 1 diabetes
you would have had
typical overseas symptoms!
Type 2 diabetes (overweight diabetes)
mainly arises:
DURCHstrong overweight/obesity
ANDyears of unhealthy,
carbohydrate – & fat – rich diet
ANDchronic lack of movement.
MEISTis also a genetic
MRP available.
So you have no polydipsie,
polyurie = no symptoms.
Are you overweight, etc…?
Thanks for the ⭐
👍 I’m glad. LG 🙋🏻
Thank you. After this comment, I feel a lot better! :-)
You have
No diabetes-SYMPTOME.
So from the symptoms, isn’t it diabetes?
No, I’m not overweight!
Because your grandma is a diabetic, you certainly have the risk of also having diabetes.
I’m sure you’ll have to check it out with the doctor.
But it does not necessarily have to happen now, even if the doctor finds nothing, do not lose sight of it.
My grandma had probably had a relatively young diabetes, my mother was about 40, and I found diabetes when I was 62.
Thank you.
GF is not a practice with bright-looking doctors.
So please call your family doctor and make an appointment so that you can be reasonably and locally examined by a specialist.
Due to finger images, a diabetes diagnosis is absolutely impossible.
The frequent thirst can come from Dia. But if you have another disease anyway, that’s not proof of anything.
Wait until your acute illness is gone and then you see how much you drink the day and what. Then you can ask the question again.
Above, Dia is nothing to be afraid of. There are also weaker forms where you take blood once in the quarter, take one tablet daily and that was then.
The fingernails and footnails can also be signs of this if they grow differently and some diabetics have problems with their nails. But otherwise thank you for the answer
If a diabetic has problems with the nails, then this is already a diabetesResult.
That is to say that this diabetic has for years, or for decades has a diabetes disease with frequent, long-lasting hyperglycemias.
Growing toes and fingernails are a bigger problem for diabetics than for others.
Then you can ask yourself why you were obviously not a single time with the doctor! He could tell you absolutely reliably whether you have diabetes or just got yourself into any false info and appearance symptoms and are healthy.
So everyone who wants to have laity diagnosis here does not seem to have a clear answer to WOLLEN, otherwise he would just go straight to the professional. You don’t have to be absolutely sick to go to a doctor – the task of a doctor is not only to treat acquaintances, but also to diagnose them for the first time and to study them for 6 years medicine + further X years what-also-always, depending on which subject they want to work.
So please do not believe that 20 minutes of googles can in the end as much as 6+ years of intensive study.
No, you’re not sure!
Thank you. I think I’ve been undiscovered/recognized by diabetes for years or even decades with 15 years
You know why or not. I’m a little calmed, my fingernails aren’t grown up, but they’re just getting a little round!
You can’t recognize diabetes on your finger. A blood check must be made for this.
Diabetes cannot be detected by fingernails. For this, you can measure long-term blood sugar.