Hallo Geldprobleme?
Hallo hatte mich ausgesperrt und nun musste ich dafür 100 € überweisen.was aber noch nicht überwiesen ist und ich habe gerade Geld Probleme. Wird sowas sehr schlimm sein wenn ich die nachzahle ? Und jetzt das Geld von Konto nehme .da ich sonst ohne alles da steh
That was the key service? They like to get off the door directly.
Don’t worry if you don’t pay right away. You can pay a reminder at most, then you can cost 5 euros more.
You can make a rate payment almost everywhere ≥
He was in front of me and wanted to have transferred it directly
So it was already good 😁 I would call there at the company and say that just someone was with them but that it is currently difficult and whether you can pay in installment
So I would do it pause
But it is not yet booked and I unfortunately need the money