hallo, bräuchte mal Hilfe von jemandem, der Ahnung von Hamstern hat?

Hey, also habe das gerade eben bei meinem Hamster gefunden. Es ist ein dschungarischer zwerghamster und knapp 1,5 Jahre halt. Mein Hamster hatte schonmal vor ein paar Wochen einen knubbel am Bauch und bin natürlich auch sofort zum Tierarzt gegangen. Dort haben die in den knubbel rein gepickst, um zu gucken, ob da Eiter raus kommt, kam aber nur Blut. Jedenfalls hat die Ärztin gesagt, dass es schon nichts schlimmes sein wird, und dass es sich bei einem Hamster auch nicht lohnt eine Operation anzufertigen(war ziemlich enttäuscht über diese Aussage). Jedenfalls hatte ich es jetzt länger beobachtet, aber mein Hamster war top fit, hat normal gefressen, getrunken, getobt, rumgelaufen,…. Also eigentlich alles normal für einen Hamster. Ab und an nehme ich sie raus und lasse sie in meinem Zimmer laufen, und habe dann gerade diesen zweiten knubbel entdeckt, dieser war jedoch komplett offen und alles. Ich hab leider nicht so viel Ahnung über Krankheiten von Hamstern. Mein Tierarzt ist momentan auch im Urlaub und ich habe auch keine Lust wieder Geld auszulegen, um eine dumme Antwort wie ,,es lohnt sich nicht‘‘ zu bekommen, ich hoffe ihr versteht das. Deshalb wollte ich euch mal fragen, was es sein könnte und ob es was schlimmes ist und was ich machen kann. Habe nämlich echt Angst um meinen Hamster, aber sie zeigt trotzdem weiterhin normale Verhaltensweisen eines Hamsters. Ich danke im Voraus schon mal für eure Hilfe! (Ps nein ich quäle meinen Hamster nicht auf diesem Foto, ich musste nur ein Foto für meine Mutter machen, da sie nicht zuhause ist und sie hat sehr gezappelt und gezittert da war es schwer ein Foto Hinzubekommen!)

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3 years ago

Hamsters at age usually develop tumors. Depending on where they are located and if they are not mixed with other organs, they can be operated. Mostly, tumors come back after a few months.

With your hamster you can see a considerable increase in the circumference. Since this thing is open and germs can penetrate, I might not wait until Monday with the veterinarian.

Not every veterinarian can kill with hamsters, as you have noticed. Make sure that he is also specialized in small hunters and exotics.

3 years ago

Looks like a worm. From the veterinarian

3 years ago

Could be off the wheel. Treat it to a camel tea. Simply cook camel tea, let it cool and then tap the wound. Repeat every few hours. Then heals it again.

3 years ago
Reply to  Goofiee

This is a tumor, not a wound.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tierglueck

If you think that you should always expose the stress of veterinarians to the little one, do that. The veterinarian was right when she said it wasn’t worth it…

As long as he eats, drinks, kills why increase the stress for the guy? Camille to treat open places, Arnicapastille can also support so you can sometimes make the life of the little guys still a few months beautiful. Maybe he can make two more….

3 years ago

If you think you’re not going to a vet with the animal

Where is that?

Don’t interpret so much as that.

3 years ago

I didn’t write an answer because someone already wrote what I would write. I don’t have to repeat it. I confirmed the answer.

The hamster certainly suffers with an open tumor. That’s painful. And if he already has organs, it’s worse. Then you’d have to redeem him in the worst case. All this is not possible without a veterinarian.

If you think you’re not going to the vet with the animal, I just don’t think that’s morally okay, that’s my problem. Letting an animal suffer is never okay.

3 years ago

It is about the fact that the hamster should be examined and maintained by a hamster-skilled veterinarian.

How about you write your own answer instead of discussing it with me. I think you shouldn’t do more of the stress of veterinarians, waiting rooms and veterinarians to a small animal as long as that guy doesn’t suffer. For the animal itself has little of the life-expanding measures.

Like I said, you’re different. I don’t think so. In addition, the FS meant that he/she/it goes after the WE to nem TA. all yesterday already expired, so where exactly is the problem?

3 years ago

The veterinarian and you, you two said that.

Yes, they can get tumors, but the probability is much higher when multiplying. That’s not the point.

It is about the fact that the hamster should be examined and maintained by a hamster-skilled veterinarian.

3 years ago

And reputable breeders breed to get healthy hamsters. They do not breed for anything else, but only for healthy animals. They live longer.

This has nothing to do with rodents getting cancer.

But to say, it’s not without itself, he won’t live for long, is just bullshit.

Nobody said that somewhere.

3 years ago

And reputable breeders breed to get healthy hamsters. They do not breed for anything else, but only for healthy animals. They live longer.

But to say, it’s not without itself, he won’t live for long, is just bullshit. Do you not treat an 80-year-old person anymore because she will not live long? And a hamster with 1 1/2 is not 80…

3 years ago

What do you think Hamster look like they look like? And for what they were once bred?

It already has its reason why cultivated pet hunters are susceptible to cancer and this is human.

3 years ago

All my dwarfs were clearly over 2 years. You shouldn’t be supporting migrants and zoos. They are often from inbreeding and genetically ill.

Healthy hamsters in art-friendly attitude are also over 2 years old.

3 years ago

Dwarfs are barely two years. It’s about breeding.

3 years ago

I let my previous hamster treat the tumor when she was just two. My current hamster was 3 days ago and has an eye inflammation. He was with the veterinarian and is now being treated. Yeah, that was stressful, but otherwise he wouldn’t have lived a few days more.

A tumour that is open must be shown to a hamstered veterinarian. So someone who really knows about it. 1 1/2 years is not old, an operation should not be a problem. A hamster can also be operated.