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It’s not a game and no harmless fun. If you feel something like this today, it’s a warning signal from your body. Nicotin is a poison, and it does not only harm you now, but can also make long-term addiction, maybe you will get a heart attack and die tomorrow and your health/life is run away thinking: you only have a body, watch it and keep good luck.
What should I do? I just tried today I’m going to land in the hospital, just wanted to watch it but never do it again
Today you drink a lot of water but not everything at once!! Today you drink about 2 liters of water so that the nicotine disappears from your body faster and if you have an orange juice, drink a glass of that and eat something LEIGHT!
You don’t have to panic now if you take my suggestion!
Sorry, but WARUM do you have to tell this kid a nonsense like that? He’s scared enough, you don’t have to put one on with your stupid little cocks! You’re lying to the boy like that!
Fairy tale, may be. But where the hell did I give false information price, you Cummunity expert. Perhaps it sounds very hard but behind it it has a positive message.
From now on.
Your lies should have a positive message?! Which one?? To scare others by stupid lies is absolutely MIES!
Water helps to flush it down faster. Your kidneys that act like a filter for your body need a lot of water to produce the urine and rinse out the harmful substances. So if you drink enough water it helps your body to get rid of these substances and stay healthier. Got it?
Yes wooww… now nerv me not am jaaaa just curious, last I ask nerv ned more. Could I get a seizure because of this nikotin or why quickly
If you don’t drink water it can take longer until your body gets rid of nicotine and now don’t annoy me.
But why should I ask what happens if I didn’t?
No dangerous but don’t drink a glass of water and put you down.
Why is this dangerous now? I have to go to sleep
The haunt should be over for a long time… don’t worry, you didn’t hurt yourself. Nicotine is not the BÖSE GIFT, when you keep it, it only hurts far beyond what you have drawn in.
Nevertheless, who doesn’t need one because he is a sober smoker, he doesn’t use anything, because nicotine has a really noticeable effect only when overdosing and it can become really unpleasant. But above all, you are minor and you are forbidden to consume nicotine
Nicotine already hurts the body in small quantities, so please don’t tell a bullshit. Thank you.
Oh… please don’t tell me I’ll give you 100%. If you have no idea about nicotine, please forgive the answer!
Nicotine is proven to be HARMLOS for normal health in normal consumption!