Hello, will my old employer also receive this letter?
My old employer reported me for fraud. I hope he also received the letter today like I did that the proceedings were discontinued.
My old employer reported me for fraud. I hope he also received the letter today like I did that the proceedings were discontinued.
Hey What if I don't get any money from the youth welfare office? Or rather, only a very small amount, like €150-€200? Because that's a concern for me 😕 since the employment agency is paying me for my training and I'm not on Hartz IV. I was also told that the money depends on how…
Hello, I had applied for a position in my hometown some time ago. After a long three months, I received an invitation to an interview. They said they would hear back after two weeks. Then nothing happened for 10 weeks (!). The position was advertised for quite some time. Now, against all expectations, I've finally…
Hello everyone, I'm a personal trainer, nutritionist, etc., and I've now created a website with a few people I met during my studies where we sell training plans. Some are ready-made plans that you can easily buy online, some are individual plans, and some are complete coaching sessions. Since I am the founder and owner…
I check my work three or four times. Still, the fear of negative consequences at work for mistakes remains.
You go somewhere to work as an intern and simply don't earn a single cent
I'll most likely graduate from vocational school next summer and then consider going into IT. What career paths are available, and how much do they pay? It would also be helpful to know where I could best work my way up and even start my own business with the experience I already have.
Ja, das bekommt er auch mitgeteilt.
Das bedeutet aber lediglich, daß die Staatsanwaltschaft von einer Strafverfolgung absieht. Das ist kein Beleg für deine Unschuld.
Der Arbeitgeber kann weiterhin eine Zivilklage erheben.
Das wird er auch bekommen …
… allerdings ist eine Einstellung nicht immer auch ein Beleg der Unschuld. Das wird auch Dein Chef wissen.
Keinen Betrug nachweise zu können ist nicht zwangsläufig gleichbedeutend mit keinen Betrug begangen zu haben.
eingestellt, prost! 🍻
Ja, bekommt er auch
ja, das sollte auch geschehen.