Hallo bald werde ich beschnitten?

Hallo bald werde ich beschnitten und Montag hab ich Vorgespräch kann jemand vielleicht sagen was vor und nach der Beschneidung passiert und was die alles beim Vorgespräch machen und ob es nach der Operation wehtut und wielange ? Und wie ist es mit einen beschnittenen Penis und was ist anders?

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2 years ago

Much success tomorrow for the pre-conference. After that you are certainly much smarter and even more calmed than tonight.

Small tip to speak: I noticed with my doctors that they want an unequivocal communication. This is important, for example, in the question of how much inner pre-skin should remain, or whether there should be still movable residual skin (=skin on the shaft) at the end in an erection or in a sleep state. I had to formulate this quite clearly so that it would be as important as I wanted.

Best success!


2 years ago
Reply to  jim41

Oh, yes, that’s it!

2 years ago

You can ask all these questions at the pre-conference.
It’s important that you talk to the doctor or the nurse exactly how to look after it. There are different circumcision styles that lead to different results. You should have clarified that before you do not have an unpleasant surprise with which you get upset for the rest of your life.

It is hard to give your questions general answers, as much is or has been felt by anyone else.

Good luck and good course!

2 years ago

A lot is examined – you can discuss the style of circumcision with the doctor.


The page is very informative (generally for circumcision) – unfortunately very one-sided. The disadvantages are not called (feeling) with any word.

2 years ago

In advance, you will lose blood and also some Pipi. EKG and blood pressure are also controlled and then you have to go to the doctor. He asks you some questions and then he looks at your problem and he also tells you what circumcision style is made and whether under general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia.

2 years ago

Exact these questions and more will be answered during the preliminary interview. Here you get only unqualified answers from hobby doctors or first and second-hand experiences, which do not have to resemble your situation. Remember the questions for tomorrow and rest until Dato. There are talks for this.

2 years ago

I can’t tell you it can only explain to you from a woman’s point of view when sex what’s different

2 years ago
Reply to  Larissa576

What a helpful answer 🙈

2 years ago
Reply to  FKKFan1996

What should I write?

2 years ago

I don’t want to be neutral to any side of me, it’s a bit as long as the ding doesn’t muffle and it’s my friend so ♀️

2 years ago

Basically correct. However, you will notice that you are per circumcision 🤷

2 years ago

I can deny your excitement, but don’t freak you out, it’s really harmless! It’s important to have a good wound care after the surgery and then it looks normal soon!

2 years ago
Reply to  nixawissa

I wouldn’t call it harmless…

2 years ago

that explains to the biologist, who probably only invented this with the nerve ends in the foreskin, do not exist at all, only invented ne?

Do not mistake biology with your subjective perception.

2 years ago

On the contrary, you feel more and more intense!

2 years ago

can be calmed, it’s really a coffin!

2 years ago

Each operation can have complications and feel less does not find any great.

2 years ago

Is the amputation of the foreskin really necessary?

Phimosis is not a reason for direct circumcision, as there are much better treatment methods that should be used first.

First of all, stretch therapy. It is thus optimal to carry out a stretch therapy under medical instructions and, if necessary, the use of a corresponding ointment. If the stretch therapy does not bring the necessary success, then there are still pre-sustained surgical methods – TripleIncision, in which only the opening of the preliminary skin is enlarged.

Just don’t let you get over to a circumcision in advance! Cutting is only necessary in very few exceptional cases.

Undoubtedly, get a second medical opinion and ask them directly for pre-skin-maintaining treatment methods.

2 years ago

Please do only if this is absolutely necessary, because of a LEICHTEN preskin narrowing it is not necessary.

Even if doctors like to claim this there are extra stretching exercises and cream for.

B what happens is quite simple, you cut it off, and you sew the rest somehow on the sheep.

it hurts.

Without shit buy diapers because then have soft upholstery and no rough friction and it is also hygienic a little better as long as the wound is fresh.

In any case, with every wound healing disorder to the doctor, so if that cures as planned.

Well, the sex becomes different because the foreskin has a lot of feeling nerve ends, you will feel less.

2 years ago
Reply to  ewigsuzu

Something’s exaggerated. Any surgical measure at the dentist is worse!