Hallo an Alle, ich habe gestern in meinem Garten ein seltsames Tier gefunden füge ein Bild ein, kennt es jemand?
Habe diese Tierfoto auch schon Nachbarn gefragt, keiner kennt es.
Es war etwa 10 cm lang, Daumendick und hat 2 Augenpaare.
Sah wie eine überdimensionale Raupe aus.
This is a butterfly rug (“Mittlerer Weinschwarr”). Stranger is a nightfolder. It often happens in wine-growing areas and enjoys watching because of the imposing appearance.
By the way, Fuchsia likes her!
Thanks again. I was terrified. I’ve seen ghettos in my garden, but that scared me. Yes the Foxes also look great. Let’s check if my big fuchsia. are not affected.
the damage can get big because I have great old specimens.
Good Alphabeth.
This one’s already fat, and it’s late in the caterpillar’s year, it doesn’t eat anymore. She’ll be all right.
Yes, unfortunately. They’re cutting smooth beds and pots empty. Believe me, the next neighbours are much better off 🙂
Good luck collecting!
It should be a caterpillar of the middle vineyard.
It’s a guarantee.
Very creepy..
Let’s ask a förster.
You already have the right answer – by the way, the eyes have it on the back. They’re just “painted”.
That’s pretty. Unfortunately, I don’t know what it is.