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I don’t know where to start telling you how wrong your assumption is. 🤣🤣🤣
The Second World War was 1939 – 1945, what you mean is the First World War and that ended not in 1917, but in 1918. (1914 – 1918)
then we should talk about the fact that there was no euro at the time.
Ergo: Your 20€ bill is worth exactly 20€ today.
Congratulations, you’re a star on reddit! 🤣
Yes, who doesn’t know him, the 2nd week of 1905-1917?
Ey, boy
For you I am not a young man can write
It’s wrong in several ways, that’s the bad thing.
One would have. Wk at the end of 1917 and 2nd Wk can pass through at the end of 1918.
But not in combination.
Should be worth 20 euros
Not more
More important is the date 1771.
You know…
How can you be so uneducated? If it wasn’t so sad I would laugh