Häkelprojekt wird nie richtig quadratisch?

Hallo, ich möchte etwas häkeln wo ich einfach nur mehrere Reihen „double crochet“ oder Stäbchen(?) im deutschen häkel, aber bei jeder nächsten Reihe sieht das so aus als wäre die länger als die vorherige obwohl ich mitzähle. Alle folgenden Reihen werden gefühlt immer lockerer und „mehr“ obwohl ich nichts verändere (siehe Foto) Mit Lila hab ich angefangen und die nächsten werden immer lockerer sodass sich das schon halb eindreht

Was mach ich Falsch??

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2 years ago

Count the maids. The one you picked up, the airmasks and the last row you crocheted.

See if there is really an increase. So instead of for example 40 stitches 44 stitches. Often, it is at the turning air meshes. I had a long time to do that I had crocheted into the spiral air mesh instead of leaving it.

If it is the same number of stitches, then it can be your train technique. So you have to practice to stretch the thread evenly. I like to handle “Sanduhren” So looser at the beginning, narrower in the middle and again loose at the end. That’s how a sand watch shape comes to stand.

If this is the case, apply evenly to the thread.

1 year ago

First of all, what soooo many do wrong (also in the You Tube Videos), the air mesh beginning series!! This is usually crocheted too hard. Always smoothly and evenly crochet, maybe it will be easier if you crochet the beginning row with a larger needle (i.e. if you need needle thickness 3 or 3.5 for the wool, then take a needle 4 or 4.5). Then, instead of like 98% of all people, the air mesh chain could be crocheted in front, into the behind stitch (turn the chain, “small cocks” there). To crochet them, you have to crochet looser because otherwise you don’t get in there. This is usually the most decisive error: the fixed stop series 😉

2 years ago

If you’re crocheting Granny, it won’t happen to you either.

2 years ago

Your turning stitches are too short. Try it once more with an air mesh.

Exercise piece should be smaller so you can see the effect faster.

It seems to me that you’re generally very tightly crocheting the air meshes.

2 years ago
Reply to  adianthum

That’s what I see. In the start series, it may be useful to crochet the air meshes with a slightly thicker crochet needle. As an alternative, Beginnings that completely waive air mesh.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonna1109

If the test project has worked out, the problem is solved!

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonna1109

nee. ..Only the airmask

2 years ago

the thickness is not identical.

the hit is too tight. easy to hit – you can also take a half or a whole needle thickness more