Haferflocken Gemüsebratlinge?
Ist schon ne Weile her das ich mir die gemacht habe und bin mir nicht mehr sicher wie.
Hatte Haferflocken mit geriebenen Karotten gemacht. Wieviele Eier würdet ihr bei einer 500Gramm Packung Haferflocken verwenden? Und welche Flüssigkeit würdet ihr nehmen? Wasser, Brühe? Milch vielleicht sogar?
Gerne auch ganze Rezeptideen zu besagten Bratlingen. Hab mal wieder Lust drauf.
Danke schonmal.
I can recommend this recipe. You can change it well. I had a rest of my cheese at home, which I was shaking and mixing.
Thank you, that sounds good with the cheese. 👍
The recipe is without eggs? Do they keep together without being reasonable?
Yeah, the mass has to go through for 15 minutes. That’s good. And if you actually add cheese, it makes for extra binding.
Okay, thank you. 👍
Honestly, I would just find out about Google for me a prescription because there is a lot of it. I would even make them completely without egg and milk, but even then I would need a prescription for the approximate quantity indication that the liquid is concerned. Where I find 500Gramm oat flakes very much
I always cook for two days. Eat for two days.
Even that would be too much for me. But everyone likes him. And recipes are really great to find online
That’s why I’m asking. Gives so many recipes. That overwhelms me… 🙈