Haferflocken abgelaufen, noch genießbar?
Die Haferflocken haben ein Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum bis zum 11.10.2023 und sind originalverpackt.
Sind sie noch genießbar und wenn ja, gibt es große Vitamin-Verluste?
Die Haferflocken haben ein Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum bis zum 11.10.2023 und sind originalverpackt.
Sind sie noch genießbar und wenn ja, gibt es große Vitamin-Verluste?
Seit längerem versuche ich mich gesund zu ernähren aber seit einer Woche habe ich keinen Hungergefühl bzw. Appetit. Woran liegt das? Ich kann auch nicht mehr so viel essen wie früher.
Hey. Wir sind gerade in einer Jugendherberge und fragen uns, welches Gemüse die weißen Stücke im Karottensalat sind. Danke schon mal für eure Antworten 🙂
Hallo, habe gerade diesen Schimmel in meinem Frischkäse entdeckt. Er war die ganze Zeit einen kleinen Spalt geöffnet im Kühlschrank. Habe diese Farbe noch nie gesehen, was ist das? Muss ich mir jetzt sorgen machen irgendwas in meinem Kühlschrank nichtmehr essen zu können? Ist das vielleicht giftiger als „normaler“ Schimmel?
Hello and thank you for the question.
That should go if…
If this is fulfilled, they should still be edible. The concentration of vitamins is lower.
No after 10 months certainly not, since milk powder is present in the oat flakes which has formed mold after so long time.
He can try it if he doesn’t care about his health
Should go.
As with other foods, there are clear signs that consumption is no longer recommended.
Do the oatmeal have an unpleasant smell? Then is eating urgently? Can we see mold? Even if this is not far developed, oat flakes should definitely not be eaten anymore.
A modified texture is also an indication that the flakes should no longer go into the shell. Are the oat flakes very hard or strange elastic? In this case, they have nothing to look at. In emergencies, the situation may be different, but in everyday life you should not eat.
There are, of course, clear indications about this, such as traces of vermin or liquids that have occurred, which indicate the incorrect storage. Here, too, the flocks should be in the garbage, as they are potentially (strongly) contaminated.
if the package has no roommates in the form of flour or spun, you can still eat them.
If no moths have nested there, you can still eat them. I can’t tell you about the vitamin loss. Eat even daily oat flakes.
Can he eat, spoiled milk powder in the oatmeal could give him a visit to the doctor
They keep themselves original for years, of course you can still take them, there are no vitamin losses, these are dry grains and no apples or so
incl. Milk powder which is no longer suitable for consumption after 10 months
If you have so great desire to consume after 10 months, to do you diarrhea, sodburn etc then good appetite
This is a silly fear, and without any realistic Hintergrund
Oat flakes contain traces of milk that can trigger complaints
But not from oatmeal, are as durable as noodles and other dry goods.
Noodles have no traces of milk
I don’t know what you’re buying for oat flakes. Kölln characterizes his flakes as a vegan. So there’s no milk powder in there. Wurzener writes 100% oats on it. So there is no room for other ingredients. Maybe there are other providers who do. This must also be on the packaging.
Also heifer flakes could have milk components and meanwhile mould after 10 months. Date
The speech was about oat flakes, not a breakfast flakes preparation. That is all possible in such preparations, is clear.
cool and dry
Table of ingredients:56% whole-grain HAFERFLOCKS, palm oil, sugar, oligofructose, 8.0% WHEAT, rice flour, glucose syrup, WHICHVOLLKORNMEHL, 1.5% honey, WHICHMEHL, salt, dried GERSTENMALZEXTRAKT, MAGERMILCHPVER, Aroma, May contain traces of FAST (NOTE)
Table of ingredients:56% whole-grain HAFERFLOCKS, palm oil, sugar, oligofructose, 8.0% WHEAT, rice flour, glucose syrup, WHICHVOLLKORNMEHL, 1.5% honey, WHICHMEHL, salt, dried GERSTENMALZEXTRAKT, MAGERMILCHPVER, Aroma, May contain traces of FAST (NOTE)
Table of ingredients:56% whole-grain HAFERFLOCKS, palm oil, sugar, oligofructose, 8.0% WHEAT, rice flour, glucose syrup, WHICHVOLLKORNMEHL, 1.5% honey, WHICHMEHL, salt, dried GERSTENMALZEXTRAKT, MAGERMILCHPVER, Aroma, May contain traces of FAST (NOTE)
Table of ingredients:56% whole grain HAFERFLOCKS, palm oil, sugar, oligofructose, 8.0% WHEAT, rice flour, glucose syrup, WHICHVOLLKORNMEHL, 1.5% honey, WHICHMEHL, salt, dried GERSTENMALZEXTRAKT, MAGERMILCHPULVER, Aroma, May contain traces of SCHNFREEN (NOTE)
That would have to be declared by the ingredients. I’ve never seen. I just looked at two manufacturers for fun: Wurzener and Kölln. In both cases, there is nothing to be found of milk components.
There are actually sometimes additives in the food industry that are not declared, production aids that are no longer contained in the finished product. One example is gelatin in fruit juices. But as you describe it, the milk powder would be in the finished product.
Previously, legends and fairy tales were told with knights and princesses instead of invisible milk in the oat flakes
the manufacturer gives dry milk in order to improve the taste, i.e. milk powder, which dies after 10 months and forms mold, not recognizable for the blose eye
What oat flakes do you use that you have traces of milk in it and, above all, how do you store them?
Also dry oat flakes have traces of milk which after 10 months mold which cannot recognize the blose eye
You’re confused with the oat grains.
Think, the questioner does not go from prepared oatmeal with milk, but from dry. Oatmeal is a grain, ask me where the traces of milk should come from?
Where are the traces of milk coming in oatmeal? Oat flakes are rolled oat grains, there is no milk there. Unless, of course, in your cereal bowl.
Milk marks? That’s new to me. You know more than me, okay.