Hafer oder Müsli (für Pferde)?

Denkt ihr die “gesunden” und natürlichen Müslis von Agrobs und St.Hyppolit sind das geeignete Kraftfutter oder seid ihr Team Hafer? Bitte mit Begründung!

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4 years ago

if the müEsli were made of grain and grass fibres, I would definitely support it. it’s not.

most food mixes in flock form consist mainly of beet fibre and melasse or trester, so that the horses eat it. any depressants are dirt that doesn’t belong to the horse.

for all free time horses and ponies is enough and if they have to afford more (3 hours and more) 250-500g luzerneheu. hafer only needs reconvalescent and high performance horses. hafer has a biological availability of 90%, as much as no other food.

old horses and horses with large tooth damage can also be fed with softened heucobs and if they don’t like eating this with a good, easy-to-use steh fodder (no pellets as they can get into the air tube).

4 years ago
Reply to  pony

Naja Müsli is the first to mix different things together, our herbal muesli consists of lucerne, beer yeast, 6 or 8 different herbs and sunflowers. Whether I buy it all individually and mix it together mic or directly, does not make a difference

4 years ago
Reply to  Shiraunddati

it makes a difference because you feed beer yeast and sunflower seeds (with bowl!!!) specifically when needed, as well as lucerne, which is replaced as heu better and your horse does not need the additional “herbs”, they are partly harmful.

5 kilo sunflower seeds for horses cost about 5 euro. for a big horse for 2 months. I haven’t bought bierhefe for horses for a long time, but probably for 2 months even 5 euro hardly exceed.

I have your link found and I am absent!!!

a part of the crimped is GIFTIG.

  • box neck, like all box necks, is toxic to horses.
  • Baldrian is a medicament and in the recommended feeding quantity already toxic. it acts sedating and is opioid-like, i.e. a drug that also makes dependent. if you stop feeding soonerrian after a long time, the horse gets withdrawal symptoms. neither the holder nor the called veterinarian will come to the point that the horse is going through an opioid train. – – – – –> symptome of the withdrawal at the horse: sweat, fever, muscle trembling, cramp colic, often ataxie, restless, high pulse symptome of a light crucifixion, bad laune. the veterinarian usually typifies poisoning or does not diagnose at all, because of course he finds nothing in a blood examination.
  • beifuss – toxic for horses.
  • enzian – animal poisonous. all parts of plants. all sorts.
  • eukalyptus. in the recommended amount of toxic. attacks the slime skin of the digestive tract, can lead to ulcers and ulcers with the color of a break-through liqueur. eukalyptus exclusively use for inhaling.
  • hops – animal poisonous. in the recommended quantity irresponsible. responsible for apathy, ataxia, job loss, stumbling while running, concentration loss. the use of “sleep disorders” at the horse is grossly negligent and ridiculous. horses generally do not suffer from sleep disorders. horses sleep about 3 hours in 24 hours. hopfen can also affect personality-changing – unrest is quite common. at hopen and soonerrian regulation necessary by the veterinarian.
  • ingwer – maximum daily dose dried 5g – exclusively in the winter months. ingwer increases the body temperature and can lead to overheating in the summer. symptome: heavy breathability, high rest pulse, strong sweat even without movement.
  • garlic: toxic for horses and dogs. manifests itself in the case of longer-lasting problems and sweat breaks in the case of light work.
  • labkraut = forest master. toxic by alkaloids.
  • meerrettich – senföle are poisonous for the horse. the “darm cleaning” takes place by massive diarrhea in some horses. danger of dehydrogenation.
  • mönchspfeffer – must be prescribed by the veterinarian. medikament.
  • teufelskralle – due to their heavy side effects, which massively damage the low-fat tract no longer to be responsible. medicament with strict indication.
  • white thorn – not toxic, but a medicament. in healthy horses, undesirable effects may occur. best to feed fresh with EMS and heart problems.
4 years ago
Reply to  Shiraunddati

Do you have a link from your muesli?

4 years ago

Well, if you ride tuners you know that

4 years ago

by the way, there is nowhere that soonerrian and hopped and still some others run under doping due to various ingredients.

of the “fruit” e.g. the banana chips. they contain tryptophan.

4 years ago

I’ve also read that very often “heared” and more often.

it’s not true anyway.

the indications mentioned in the list in the link are velvet and special indications for men.

dried lions, for example, eat the horses in the heu partly 500g and more per day.

4 years ago

The things you’ve listed aren’t in. There are 20 different herb species there, most of which we do not use

That you don’t give a tuning horse like valerian would be clear. And they start to stink.

Like I said, Mom’s gonna mix it up. And it is delivered in 20kg bag

4 years ago

No, because my mother ordered food for my horses, and you can mix it yourself together.

4 years ago

For the shameful all-world free-teit horse, it does not need one or the other.

Better the good money, instead of in Müsli which is often only overpriced humbug, the dear money to the good of the horse invest in real good hay and abundant pasture.

With real sports horses that really have to afford you can feed. But since everything is also controlled via the laboratory image and really only feed what really is missing.

Horses often come up with a slight deficiency better than with too much. The steppe was more and more magic. Today’s pastures in Germany are usually far too fat and cause problems quickly.

4 years ago

Müsli is often just armored industrial waste.

Oats can be fed if the horse really does. He doesn’t make wild, only if the horse has too little free (!) movement.

A good mineral food, ready.

4 years ago

Basically, I am for good oats! The horse food should be processed as little as possible. For the older horses, freshly squeezed oats would be an alternative.

Something muesli is only an option for my horse if I want to sublime certain herbs. Since Mine is very flattering, the Equigard of Hippolyt is ideal for me.

4 years ago

comes to the size of your horse, with us not getting all horses oats

or chuck. Some bring their supplement food themselves.

the ponies get only a small portion they go from the coupling back into their boxes, which are all left together on the coupling 8 ponies

4 years ago

I think it depends on the horse and what you do with it

hafer is healthy … (:


4 years ago

If KF already, oats. Of course, well usable, slime well for stomach and intestine.

4 years ago

The muesli from herbs is in all cases good

4 years ago
Reply to  Shiraunddati

You don’t know what they feed or what herbs they are?

4 years ago

But that does not mean that the muesli must be smiling 😉. Just because you don’t know what is being fed.

4 years ago
Reply to  Shiraunddati

it has something in the real IMMER, which is toxic to horses. I also compared your link.

some have even spelled in it, even if “dein” did not do it (see comma at my answer)

4 years ago
Reply to  pony

Since we order food, I can say exactly what comes in and how much. Of course, they have everything that needs to adapt to the mass and if someone wants to feed his horse 5 tons of sugar, that’s how it is.

But just because they don’t mean that you have to mix it into food.

So I don’t understand what’s so bad on the side, I find better than buying the food somewhere and we feed sunflower seeds all year round, because that’s what the horses know and don’t sort it out. My pony sorted out all new and unknown

4 years ago

Anyway, it’s not “good in all cases”. That’s what I wanted.

4 years ago

A mix of both makes it

4 years ago

Mix both 65/35.

Oats is very healthy.

4 years ago
Reply to  lolipopa

oats and the rest of muesli after choice with other ingredients such as fruit, banana, refined nuts, dattel etc along with milk, bit protein powder. It tastes me and gives me good carbohydrates.

4 years ago

patz somewhere else.

4 years ago

Lol horses? Get out.

4 years ago

She or he is still looking forward to my answer. Get someone else on the balls.

4 years ago

I didn’t push helpful because you didn’t read the question.