Hackfleisch geöffnet nach einem Tag noch gut?
ich habe gestern eine neue Packung Hackfleisch geöffnet und die Hälfe also 400g in geöffneter Packung wieder in den Kühlschrank getan, jedoch später vergessen es einzufrieren, da sich ja sonst Keime drauf bilden.
meine Frage: ist es heute noch essbar oder sollte ich es lieber sein lassen?
If your fridge is cool under 6°C, and you burn the minced meat well, it is no problem to still use the meat today.
If you cook well, you can still eat it. Look at it before, if it’s gray or smells weird, I wouldn’t use it anymore.
Take care of what is very important! Then there’s hardly anything to happen!
If it was well cooled throughout, you can still roast it. But really well roasted!
And smell for a second.
Thank you
I wanted to make Bolognese out anyway, so I’m going through it.
As I said, if it doesn’t smell noticeable, it’s still possible.
I don’t know if it’s so bad. In principle, a certain smell. Actually, it’s pretty good.
Or what should I pay particular attention to
well cook, then edible
You can store minced meat for 3 days. On the third day it should be roasted and when it is gray it is normal there was only air approached.