Do you have any tips or experiences?

Hello, I'm currently looking for new contraceptive methods. I would appreciate it if you could tell me how you use contraception, what side effects you experience, and how you're generally coping with it. Thanks in advance for your answers. It's best to tell me your age and how long you've been using them.


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1 year ago

I’ve kept everything together for about 20 years until the child’s request without any side effects with pill.

She has met my expectations, I was well driven by it and had no problems – no “hidden” that showed up only after decommissioning.

After family planning has been completed, my husband has been sterilized.

What do you expect from a contraceptive; high safety, easy application, non-disruptible, easily available, spontaneous sex possible, protection against sexual diseases, at any time removable, cycle control, relief of PMS or Dysmenorrhoea…?

There is no contraceptive that would fit equally well for everyone. The demands, circumstances and priorities of the woman, every man and every couple are always different. When searching for the best contraception method, the following information texts can be helpful. In the profamilia consultancy offices, you can also perceive the offer of contraception advice.

Happy for you!

1 year ago
Reply to  S11prvt49

Thank you for your star!

1 year ago

I’ve been using the trackle for over a year, preventing symptothermal. No side effects possible, since the cycle is only evaluated and nothing affects. Safety is at least as good as with the pill, depending on the value even significantly safer