Habt ihr Tipps für Luzides Träumen?

Ich fühle mich aktuell sehr unwohl im echten Leben und mein Rückzugsort sind die Träume.. ich habe mir gedacht dass ich deswegen luzides Träumen lernen sollte um es etwas zu kontrollieren..

manchmal kann ich bereits luzid träumen aber es funktioniert oft nicht…

habt ihr tipps?

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1 year ago

I have been clearer for about 11/12 years.

I can’t recommend using lucid dreams as a realitate curse. What you can do in the dreams solve certain problems that burden you in private life.

Here in text form Luzide’s dreaming would be like teaching you Spanish with a little text.

Connect with other clear dreamers and learn together with them. That’s how you learn best. Youtube Tutorials like “IN 10 MINUTEN JEDE ANY CLARRUMEN” I would avoid those who can break a lot.

If you want to know more, add me.

1 year ago

If your psyche is burdened, it will almost impossible to perceive the subtle point in which you come into the state of lucid dreams.

Therefore, my tip is: Come clear in real life before you come to such thoughts to want to escape into a dream world.

1 year ago

On YouTube you will find good videos