Habt ihr Tipps?
Ich bin grade dabei ein digitales Bild zu machen und ich könnte vielleicht etwas Feedback gebrauchen.
Ich weiß ist nicht das schönste, aber auch erst eine Skizze.(bitte ignoriert die Linie am Hinterbein)
Habt ihr Tipps zur Verbesserung oder irgendwelche anderes Feedback?(Anatomie etc.)
Noch eine schöne Nacht!
LG Grauschwinge
I’d look at pictures to get the proportions right.
For example, I would sharpen the tail at the end and maybe that the legs are not as straight as sticks.
Here is an example of an image:
As you can see, the proportions are a bit wrong, but with exercise you can make sure!
Drawing is a practice thing, the more you practice, the more progress you will see.
Never give up, you can!
LG W/14
Thank you very much. I’m already aware that my propartion is very bad and I have to draw legs at least 15 times that they don’t look like iron bars(see dreadful of) Thanks for the reference picture, but I wanted to sign from a different perspective, that’s why a lot doesn’t look so beautiful.
But in the end, this looks better than the tree trunks I’ve made in December.
Please, all right, at some point it’ll be possible.
is fine
Thank you. Any suggestions for improvement?
I found this, maybe it will help you
That helped me. Thank you.
looks very good at the beginning.
eventuel help it if you look at pictures in the internet or even a living model.
I can tell you more often you do it better so it will never give up!