Habt ihr schonmal Mozartkugeln gegessen?

Ich habe letztens im Supermarkt diese Mozartkugeln gesehen und viele meiner Freundinnen haben mir gesagt, dass sie eigentlich echt lecker sind. Ich weiß aber nicht ob ich das so ganz glauben kann denn ich kann mir irgendwie nicht vorstellen, dass die wirklich gut schmecken können. Könnt ihr mir mal eure Meinung sagen vielleicht kann ich mich dann überwinden. LG

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2 years ago

Trying is going to study. Whether Reber or Mirabell, there are only cheap copies of the original. And that means prince.


2 years ago

This is my LIEBLINGS Chocolade, Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:) Every month at least. Two packs.

This is the best of all.ALSO description of the taste, extra thin around real choco, including marzipan, in the middle a little pistachios but not ECHT,

and quite in the middle 1stclass Chokolade.Several varations give,in the middle with nougat is the best,absolut,because pistachios are unfortunately not real.

Kostet Around the 4 Euros, but what your friends say can fool you.

I want you to buy and try this, then you’re sure you’ll be safe… 🙂 LG

In addition,Mozartball chocolates are WORLD CLASSES and WORLD CANNED PRODUCT.Here:

: Now go to the Lidl branch.Isn’t that what you can do at home?

2 years ago

The originals are real class.

Unfortunately, there are also variations with other or modified ingredients.

2 years ago

I don’t like her. I don’t like marzipan. (basic requirements)

2 years ago

If you like marzipan, pistachio cream and nougat, as I do, you’ll definitely find them well.

But as always: To find out whether it is You tastes, must You also try it.

2 years ago

Sure, more often. Very delicious.

2 years ago

I hardly eat candy, but Mozart balls always taste.

2 years ago

They are mega tasty 😍😍😍

But if you don’t want to buy me some 🙂

2 years ago

Yeah and I think they’re so delicious. They only have the disadvantage that they are relatively expensive.

But I prefer to spend a little more money for enjoyment than less for a cheap copy.

Some people will say that you don’t taste it anyway. And to make it happen to them. At least I taste it

2 years ago

There are not the finest ingredients that are used here. Marzipan and Nougat are simply sweet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hundertstel

Pistachio marzipan and almond nugat. That’s something else.

2 years ago

There are various producers of Mozart balls. Unfortunately, the one that makes the reals went bankrupt about 1 year ago.

This is Mirabell. For me the only true Mozart balls. Very delicious.

The originals M. are from the company Fürst in Salzburg. I’ve never tried them before.

2 years ago

They taste excellent. I’ve eaten them recently.

2 years ago

So I generally find things disgusting.

Not recommended.

Especially the Marzipan 🤢🤮

2 years ago

I like to eat Mozart balls.

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