Habt ihr schonmal eine tyrannische Lehrerin oder Lehrer gehabt?
Hallo, ich bin in der 9 Klasse und habe im Fach Französisch eine sehr tyrannische Lehrerin. Sie ist durchgehend erniedrigend zu unserem Kurs und ich weiß nicht was ich dagegen tun kann. Ich habe es meiner Mutter gesagt, aber sie kann noch nicht viel machen weil es noch keinen guten Grund gibt ein Gespräch zu führen. Hat jemand eine Idee was ich tun kann ? Sobald eine Referendarin da ist, ist sie sehr nett und zuvorkommend sobald sie aber weg ist, ist sie wieder wie immer. Kann ich damit zu einem Schulseelsorger gehen und sie melden ?
Habt ihr Tipps ?
Hello ripmanda15👋
Yeah, a math teacher from us, he was weird. He had always sat down, handed us out sheets, we should work them alone or in groups, he never wrote anything on the board, never taught, he sat and read the newspaper.
But if one wanted to speak to him, then one had to watch, one went before him, then one doesn’t want to shout so loudly that it hears the whole class that one doesn’t understand, but no matter how one was talking, it was always too quiet and then he spited on one while talking. On the other hand, he was able to hear the whistle and whisper at the back of the last corner and then he always grabbed the chalk pot, aimed and threw it. He made so funny sounds again.
Once he even threw his key and when throwing with chalk and yelling not that came around what he wanted, he sent one with the pointer in front of the door. They had to be held up so that they could see him through the window above the door.
Hello, thank you for the answer and this is really a very interesting story. With me, she won’t be hand-picked, but you can see that she puts us mentally under pressure.
Did you do anything about it?
I am not alone, we have certainly reported it to the Rector but really what has come around is not, I mean honestly the teacher has worked there forever I am sure that others have complained, but he has thrown “only” with chalk and sent pupils to the door, with the key, I don’t think that was intended to excuse the behavior, but I still think he has somehow attacked.
When I came to the real-world school, we had a physics teacher who taught us so miserable that we reported this because we had all 4-6 through the bank and he did not get through with the curriculum, he was released from school and we got a representation for the rest of the year, which was nicer but also did not really teach us, but did repeat things 3x, so we still did not get to school with the plan.
Okay, I think I’ll wait for her to behave tomorrow, and how the test failed. I used to be really good in French, but since we’ve had them all have bad grades. The test we get back tomorrow was a repetition because the average was so bad.
That was 7-9 grade primary school.
Really rough experiences, I never thought that would happen so often. What year did your teacher throw away with chalk and the key? I don’t think this is going through today without being punished, do I?
I also had such a teacher in French last year. I’ve never been very good in French but not so bad. But our teacher has always asked those who obviously did not know the answer. If one did not know the answer to a question or the debate was wrong, it started to insult, etc.
To a student from my class she was particularly bad she has constantly humiliated him in front of the whole class and finished. It went so far that he had panic attacks and then had to become a school psychologist who complained to her.
At some point, parents started complaining because everyone was afraid to go to school every Tuesday morning.
Nothing has changed, but she has announced a year later, Gottseidank.
Hello, wow this is really big. Somehow sad that there are so many cases in which teachers or teachers act like that. Be glad she quit. May I ask how far she insulted you? With me it is always said by the rose so not directly but you understand what is meant.
she has often made so indirect commentaries but also much as
“you’ve been incapable of” “how can you be so clever/incapable?” “you’re the dumbest person I’ve ever seen”
so she has called us “dumb” and “deceptive”. She wasn’t insulting all the same, she had some favorite I think.
A teacher in mathematics, one in physics, one in Russian and very bad the sports teacher.
Did you do anything about it? Or just leave?
There was nothing we could have done about it.
Streng was her, and how! But no tyrant. That’s a difference. We haven’t suffered under their strenge either.
If you don’t feel comfortable or even intimidate yourself, then you go to the trust teacher.
Just because she’s a teacher, you’re not quite unjust.
Thanks for the message, I understand the difference between strict and tyrant, but I also needed something to understand what she does with us. We are still children that is clear 15-16 so I had confidence at the beginning that it makes it right but the confidence has passed. But I have to remember that she wants to turn the world again as she wants, but an attempt is worth looking at what she does tomorrow, otherwise I go there and complain.
Unfortunately, I also believe that she will deny the situation. That’s why it’s so important that you and your class are presenting facts. When she did something. Facts and witnesses are enough evidence.
How does the rest of the class feel? If the whole class seems to suffer from it, there must be a number that could confirm the behavior.
Of course you can contact your trust teacher or school social worker, but it would be best if your mother would ask for a school interview.
Hello, yes the whole class feels so, but no one really dares to say something about it. My mother is waiting for the moment she goes too far so it is worth going there. Soon they’ll be parents’ meeting days and they’ll probably make an appointment.
Your mother just sits this out, so she could have been comfortable for a long time, especially it will not have been the only story I’m going to be strong.
Then you pupils should take this into their hands and talk to the school board themselves.