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It is often not counted but perfectionism is a addiction. I had/have that so strong that if I don’t make something perfect I get totally mad and bite or hurt myself differently without nagging or staying like that. I then ate so little to “punishing” that I had to go to the hospital because I took a lot. I had to get into therapy for two years, but now I’m getting a lot better and I’ve found my aggressions to break away.
Hy. Yeah, I did.
And unfortunately it is a struggle (I rather speak this about recovery) that never ends and even after years of abstinence from addiction (no matter whether drug, forced patterns, game addiction, etc., because the addiction mechanism always works exactly the same) your addiction is still there and is just waiting for you to return to the active addiction in a short moment of weakness.
After over 12 years of abstinence from all consciousness-changing substances from one day to another, I have become reluctant and have been fighting for three years with constant up and down to become completely abstinent again. But I don’t care how many times I get caught again I’m gonna recover.
Just because it’s worth it. I accept the addiction as part of my personality, but I have to take care that it does not get control of my actions.
The longer you are abstinent, the easier this self-control becomes, and you sometimes reconcile yourself with your addiction because it is now a part of you and will always remain.
If I’ve learned something, it’s the following: As soon as you feel the safest and you think all your search patterns of the past are no longer there, DANN is especially important to take care of. If you no longer see any danger in something you will be unpredictable and this is the moment when the addiction strikes instantly and before you are overlooked you will be back in the same slim as the time of your active look.
And keep wondering how could that only happen, how could I be so stupid? Everyone warned me about it, always be vigilant never forget that a addiction in you is just waiting to take control of your behavior.
So I just spoke of myself and my subjective experiences with addiction. So I experience and feel my life with the disease looking for and if someone can benefit from my experience, of course I am very pleased.
For me, it’s about to compare how I would keep a dangerous robtier at home as a pet. Why you should do that, but it’s just there and I can’t give it away. In the beginning you have mega respect and better control twice if the cage is closed because you know that the predator would attack and eat you at the first offering opportunity. If everything has gone well for a few years and you have not been eaten, you may no longer be so penile if everything is safe and locked. Located in the nature of every person and goes all like that. This may even happen again a paae years well without something. But a single day is enough and you don’t notice that the door didn’t really close when it was closed. You turn your back to the predator and it’s too late because it’s been waiting for this one moment all these years. And in the end you got it.
May I ask why you asked this question?
Sorry should actually be an answer and no comment. Am I new here and not yet familiar with handling… can I convert comments into answers? Or isn’t that important?
Not yet.