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Have tried 3 different times, but none of them came up with ham only in the approach.
Vegan sausage can be eaten, or the vegan meat salad. They also last longer than the animal variants.
by Rügenwalder Mill der Schinken spicker-Mortadella. I love the aftermath ham. I eat ham every day.
Is that ham or mortadella imitation?
This is supposed to be Mortadella but still means ham Spicker
I don’t want to comment here. However, the fact is that these products are mainly intended to appeal to people who occasionally dispense with animal products. Vegan ham and the like, I always liked it. I don’t want to taste ham.
I don’t want to suffer from a chemical cocktail!
So you mean meat would be without chemical stress?
I know where the meat comes from, which I buy.
But on an antibiotic and hormone cocktail?
….you better read my entire comments.
Several. Some better or worse than others.
And I’ll never do that. To the animals, the environment and my health.
Just because there is no vegan ham.
Yes, some trees have a Po:D
Yeah, I did. I have to admit that it tasted really good. I can no longer remember the brand, but I would not recommend vegan meat substitutes because they are full of additives and flavorings.
I don’t want
I like vegan sausage or cold cuts.
I don’t think I’m gonna get a chemical meat substitute in my temple.
My mother bought vegan “sinks” from mistake – I tried a little piece – what miracle, it didn’t taste…
Why do vegans actually have to pretend to eat meat and sausage – can’t they just call the Tofu disc or something?…
Because it looks like meat??
Doesn’t do it – and that’s just artificially brought about to make the appearance of it.
Because tofu pane sounds cumbersome and does not describe as well as “sinking” a tofu pane could imitate with other spices also cheese
It’s Tofu, no ham. To call it “shrink” is simply fraud.
That’s exactly what I mean – how bad is it to buy a bad imitat (and they’re all megabad) if you want to miss it? Not at all.
It’s all right, or not at all.
Because there are people who do not give up because of their taste, because they do not use meat/animal products or do not give up for ethical/ecological reasons.
I’ve never tried
I don’t want