Habt ihr schon mal selbst Ketchup hergestellt?
Warum ? Weil doch im gekauften Ketchup rech viel Zucker drin ist.
Ich esse sehr gerne Griechischen Salat mit Feta und Oliven wie könnte man aber einen Salat noch aufpäppeln außer das übliche wie Gurke, Paprika, Zwiebeln, Cherrytomaten, Kopfsalat
Whenever I eat unhealthily for a longer period of time (about 3 days) with sweets, junk food, etc., I always feel bloated and immediately 10kg heavier. And as soon as I eat a balanced diet for 1-2 days afterwards and avoid everything unhealthy, I immediately feel and look lighter again. Why is this? Is this…
I'm 13 and I want to lose weight and to do that I don't want to eat anything for a few days but I don't know how to hide it from my parents because we always eat breakfast and lunch together how won't they notice?
I made a spontaneous holiday in the apartment.
Tomato paste, red wine, vinegar, some sugar, salt, water. It was excellent.
I’ve definitely been thinking about it before, but bought ketchup is so much more practical, as you can get it fast, it always tastes the same and can last longer. But if I find a good recipe, I’m sure I’ll try it out 🙂
Yeah, because the ketchup in the store doesn’t taste so much and because there’s a lot of sugar in there and almost no tomatoes. My own ketchup tastes natural and contains no sugar and no preservatives. Simple healthier and natural.
How much sugar contains your self-made ketchup?
Hello Heavy, 👋
No, that wouldn’t be worth it because I
mega rare some ketchup esse.
No, I can’t. Ketchup exists
60 % from tomato paste. Tomato paste is close
1/5! fruity sugar. The most Sugar
so fruity sugar from tomatoes,
but not the added sugar.
You can calculate that now.
LG 🙋🏻
Yeah, because the other one went out.
I removed the seeds from the tomatoes and left only the meat (otherwise we too watery). Then salt and some sugar and of course spices. I still heated curry, pepper and chili, and all this carefully. Whether it was ketchup or dip sauce, that’s what it was. In any case, it has fulfilled its purpose.
PS: Everything is pure, of course.
I bought bioketchup with less sugar.
Tasted like bad tomato. I’ll stay with the normal ketchup.
Never made it myself. I made Mayo myself.