Have you ever taken drugs?
If so, which
If so, which
moin ich habe von vielen leuten gehört das meine schul leiterin nach der arbeit gras konsumiert das stelle ich mir die frage darf sie das? denn sie hat ja trotzdem jeden tag mit kindern zu tuhen
I felt like I was close to death, had the feeling that I would pull again and it would be over
(I'm asking here because I don't want this to be part of my story because I don't want it to cause misunderstandings with my parents 😅) Hello! I'm 11 years old, and I'm wondering this because I have an idea for a book (or rather, a manga). I know it's rather unrealistic to make a…
Hallo, ich hatte 3 Bad Trips einen auf Trüffeln und 2 auf LSD. mein erster Bad Trip war im guten set nur mein Kollege Kamm 0 klar dann hatte ich iwann selber Panikattacken auf den Trip. Beim 2 Bad Trip wollte ich garkeine LSD nehmen weil ich mein Abitur verkackt hatte und am Boden war….
Hallo ich weiß das es schädlich ist und bin auch schon 18+ habe mich auch grundlegend informiert habe vor 4 h 4 Nüsse gegessen und es ist kein rauschzustand zu beobachten bitte um Information? Mfg nico
Yes, for example, I take sugar daily, caffeine or alcohol is also known to me.
See sugar as a drug, it clears bliss hormones but sugar does not cause any change in consciousness or hallucinations.
Alcohol and tobacco also hallucinate the fewest and in the slightly adjacent quantities are damaged by the cells, but there is no change in consciousness.
Even cannabis can also be dosed small enough to have mood-lifting effect, but otherwise have no equator.
These are only legal and generally understood drugs. In the illegal spectrum, there are much more subtle effects.
True I have mentioned but also consciously changing..if this is so I give you right thanks for the info
Yes, you introduced hallucinations.
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Yes, sugar is not only nutrients, but also drug. Calories and lucky hormones
Alcohol also has a calorie-rich nutritional value and brings in small amounts a joyful solution of fears.
Alcohol and sugar are not so different except for the cell poisoning effect.
The dividing line is what drug is and what is not, draws science depending on the subject of investigation.
According to the classic definition, sugar is not a drug
Comparing sugar with alcohol or cannabis is bullshit. Sugar kicks short and makes addiction, but no noise. Alcohol, tobacco & Co. intervene directly in the nervous system – a completely different level. I didn’t say anything about hallucinating
Sugar and caffeine almost daily, very rarely cannabis and even more rarely a paracetamol or ibuprofen, but for that it must be really dirty.
Paracetamol and ibuprofen are not drugs, or why should the drugs be?
Because all substances that act on the body not only with their nutritional value Drug fall. Mood brightening foods, caffeine, but also medicines such as painkillers belong to it.
There are even a lot of drugs that are now more famous about their further career as addictive drugs than about their drug effect.
Everyone should be aware that Crytal Meth was “only a drug” and was called Pervitin. Heroin was sold by Bayer.
The range of drugs used outside medical prescription continues: codein, cocaine, cannabis, methylsafrylamine(MDMA), benzodiapenes, LSD, etc.
Yeah, caffeine. of course, in commercially available quantities as found in cola.
Yes Caffeine and sugar
LG Show1Runner
No, I’m not sure. I already have a cigarette addiction. A addiction is enough!
1.speed ( Pepp)
2.canibis, hash, Cali
‘canibis’ made my day
adrenalin, melatonin, testosterone, serotonin
multiple times daily
Yes am 19 years, and dependent
Stimulates cocaine, amphetamine,
MDMA tablet, MDMA crystal
cannabis, hash
benzoidazepines (probably all)
Codein, heroin replacement medication
alcohol, nicotine
Not recommended
Do you have a question about a particular drug?
Ever oxen?
No, but morphine and codein aren’t nasal. I practically never take opiate from getting away is brutal. Nasal makes it even stronger, respect.
Salvia, dmt, 5Meo dmt, weed, crack and weed together.
Which one? Alcohol? Nicotine? Cannabis?
Almost everyone already has drugs. Or do you mean the illegal substances? That would be LSD and Magic Mushrooms. But I just tried that.
LG 👍
How were the mushrooms?
So similar to LSD, so very psychotic with hallucinations. It’s hard to describe if you haven’t experienced it yourself.
In the forest, there are also some (e.g., Spitkegliger Kahlkopf) but one can easily confuse them with poisonous mushrooms, so one should recognize oneself in mushrooms. Otherwise it can end badly…
Grass and alcohol
Amphetamine (Speed,mdma), ketamin, kokain, magic mushrooms & benzos
No alcohol? (drug)
I understood only illegal substances with the question.
No, because only idiots destroy their lives with such a crap.
Have you ever been drinking alcohol?
“Clar, drugs can be harmful, but not everyone who takes something is just a full idiot. Everyone has his reasons, and not everyone destroys their lives. It is a matter of responsibility, not a general condemnation.” Find this answer very immeasurable. Caffeine alcohol nicotine have you never consumed?