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I’ve never smoked, and I’m not planning to ever do it. That’s exactly how I’m dealing with alcohol and other drugs. I don’t even drink coffee or energy drinks. It’s just because I care about the zero.
Thought it was cool at 16 times. But I stopped again at 18 and started again at 20, and then left it in the same year.
No, my ‘damal’ friends, however, wanted to encourage me to smoke kidneys, which I did not do fortunately 🙃. My mother said this was extremely unhygienic. However, my partner tried 1-2x smoke in the youth, but fortunately it stopped at the end ðŸTM‚.
between 17 and 22 I smoked, but then I stopped for happiness
also because I met my friend at that time and didn’t smoke her, and that was for me to stop such a thing 🙂
Yes by my friend, but I’m just an opportunity smoker. Can be without smoke
I smoked for years. But I got rid of it.
Not both
Started out of boredom and stupidity, but I was preloaded as I had cut (shake mixed with tobacco).
As a teenager I tried it once and then never again, my sister wanted to teach me but then I got sick
I smoke air and gum cigarettes 😀
No so far
Started at school
I’ve never smoked my life, not just a train.
I never smoked and didn’t do it either.
I’m a smoker.
I have already
Yes but say mutti not please
I do not know
I’ve been smoking for about 45 years.