Habt ihr schon Erfahrungen beim “alleine im Wald übernachten” gemacht?
habt ihr schonmal alleine im Wald rine Nacht verbracht.
habt ihr schonmal alleine im Wald rine Nacht verbracht.
Ich hab mal eine Frage bei mir steht seit heute null Tage Kurs freigeschaltet. Kann es aber immer noch normal benutzen ist es ein Buck oder muss ich mir Sorgen machen dass eine Nachzahlung kommt ? 😅
Hallo zusammen, wie ist es bezüglich Stöcken bei euch? Wenn ihr Tageswanderungen in den Bergen oder Mehrtageswanderungen mit Rucksack, Übernachtungen in Hütten oder im selbst getragenen kleinen Zelt macht: Wandert ihr meistens mit 2, 1 oder ohne Stöcke? Warum? – Es geht mir klar um Bergwandern mit Steigungen, Gefälle, evtl. rutschigen Passagen, anspruchsvoller Untergrund. Also…
Wenn man einem Bären oder Löwen gegenübersteht, soll es ja das schlechteste sein, dem Tier den Rücken zuzuwenden und davon zu laufen, weil man dadurch den Jagdinstinkt der Tiere auslöst. Bei Straßenhunden in Thailand habe ich die Erfahrung gemacht, dass sie jedoch genauso angriffslustig bleiben, wenn man sich ruhig von ihnen entfernt, aber selbst jaulend…
Fünf-Gänge-Menü inklusive Wein und Getränke von einem Michelin-Chefkoch, sofern man ein Ticket (für zwei) gewinnt und dann 198 CHF pro Person bezahlt (zzgl. Anreise). aber dafür Ausblick von der ca. 1´700m hohen Rigi …. https://www.20min.ch/story/rigi-fuer-ein-abendessen-mit-diesem-ausblick-musst-du-dich-bewerben-103019134 Für wen von Euch wäre das was?
Yeah, it’s a lot. And always legal (with permission of the property).
How cool. Alone? And what stuff?
With different equipment, you want to try different things.
These are just a few examples.
Equipment was from the small 1-man tent with isomat and sleeping bag over tarp with isomat and sleeping bag to the above-mentioned heated tipi with tent oven and several meters diameter and standing height.
Sleeping bags: In winter a thick down sleeping bag with membrane outer skin that keeps up to -16 comfortable, in summer a three-year-old plastic fiber sleeping bag that works up to about 0°C.
Isomatten: One of two Therm-A-Rest mats with foam core (a thinner, lighter, more compact to pack and in winter with longer stays by car a thicker one needs more space but even better isolated).
Cooker: Multifuel burner from Optimus. With gasoline in winter and in summer also with gas.
Clothing: In winter weatherproof outer layer (pants + jacket made of densely woven cotton mixed fabric, waxed at the distinctive spots), insulation layer (e.g. thick jacket made of alpaca wool), merino underwear, thick wool socks… In summer, correspondingly thinner wool socks in hiking boots, normal cotton underwear (T-shirt, slip), the weatherproof outer layer (pants + jacket made of densely woven cotton blend fabric), possibly a shirt made of stable material or similar to the middle layer. When hunting, everything is in a low-speed (e.g. Loden-Hoodie) as well as a set of replacement underwear and socks.
Equipment: wristwatch, lighter, a firesteel as a backup, flashlight with wide-ranging bundled beam, headlamp with diffuse light cone, weatherproof pen and small notebook, multifunction pocket knife, fixed outdoor / hunting knife, in hunting of course the whole equipment you need for this.
food supply in the form of welded noodle ready meals, water in water bottles (if on foot) or a water bottle at the man as well as a drinking water canister in the car, cup, spoiler, pot, eating bowl. If water was nearby (e.g. a lake) then like a water filter, which makes it easier, you don’t have to boil off the water forcibly.
Puh, I don’t think it’s gonna happen.
But not with at least two other people often. I love it when the first sun rays wake me through the canopy.
No, I don’t, and I don’t.
The last time was on the property of the father-in-law. I also tested new equipment.
Helikon-Tex Supertarp, One Tigris Single Mesh Tent, Thermarest Ridge Rest and n Snugpak Navigator. Had a little 5-10 degrees outside. The Snugpak was too cold. From below it was warm and comfortable. I had expected it differently
Was once again amazing how loud this becomes at night. It speeds up everywhere.
Yes, I did, but involuntary, because I had completely run out and the darkness broke in. Without cell phone no chance to get help.
Since it was a not too cold, dry, but in the forest dark autumn night and I also had a warm parka, I leaned half-seated on a tree and even slept a bit.
But not long, because the forest lives, razing and noises everywhere. I don’t know what crawls around me, but I wasn’t afraid.
In the morning twilight I quickly found the orientation again and that was it.
I’d like to do it. I like such situations and the best way to look at a horror movie beforehand, just to get something “prepared” to the thing.
Rare but yes.