Habt ihr schon einmal mit bloßen Händen Chilis gemacht?
Ich hatte gestern mal wieder Chilis entkernt, also ziemlich saftige Purira Chilis, die dank des wundervollen Augustes auch im Norden von DE ziemlich gut reif wurden, leider mit bloßen Händen, ohne Handschuhe.
Das ist ein Erlebnis, dass jetzt am nächsten Tag so richtig zur Geltung kommt, meine Hände glühen wie Hölle und alles was ich anfasse fängt an zu brennen.
Kennt ihr das?
I only know when I have open wounds, no matter how small they are. So it’s not a good idea if you just cut the nails.
You’re a candidate who should always wear gloves.
Okay, I’ve never come to the idea to take gloves…
really no bad idea, then you don’t have to be so careful not to get close to your face with your hands…
And no, my hands have never glowed.
I’ll wash them with soap.
Sometimes it doesn’t help.
This has helped even the Habaneros… And I never use more sharply anyway. You should just avoid a few hours coming near mucous membranes.
I don’t have any space for this – more than my little flower box with basil and parsley I can hardly grow. My mother used to have a large vegetable/herbal beet in the garden – so I know about the difference.
They really taste different. Last time I tried a self-made physalis, these are just worlds.
No, they’ve never planted them.
Are the chilis ripened by yourself? I have the impression that this is a huge difference.
On the other hand, Chinense’s sharpness is unequal to frutescen’s sharpness and the Purrira is with the sharpest frutescens.
Or I’m just more sensitive, maybe you’re just immune to it, can be.
I would always wear gloves
Beginner bug 😅
Also after that rub the eyes or scratch the sack makes long joy 🤪
I’m short over the lip, then I switched lightning fast, it’s mad to have such inconceivable fire hands after almost one day.
We had only recently wondered about the sharp Zwetschgendatschi until we came to the fact that the knife had left the Chili ne week later sharpened 😅
I cook a lot and often with chili, usually I grab the stem, cut it in length and push most of the cores out!
in normal chiliss
For example, I will process Carolina Reeper
I also wear gloves and fit extremely where I can go!
The Chinense sharpness works differently than that of anuum. The Chinense usually has a delay, the Anuum burns immediately.
But the Purrira is eh a frutescens, so again different, yet I know now that a very sharp chili (100,000 scoville), can really hurt.
I’m not getting rid of Chilis. When I cook with them (very often even) I wash my hands directly after that with sink. 🧚
I already made chili peppers cut into food. There were also sharp varieties that didn’t really burn on my skin!
One time and never again.
How is it so beautiful…”For harm you become wise”.
remember and learn from it
I’m not doing anything with Chilis