Habt ihr noch eure Weißheitszähne?
Die Umfrage richtet sich nur an Erwachsene.
Laut Zahnarzt machen die bei 80% der Leute früher oder später Probleme. Häufig wird dann nur einer, zwei oder gleich alle 4 entfernt.
Die Umfrage richtet sich nur an Erwachsene.
Laut Zahnarzt machen die bei 80% der Leute früher oder später Probleme. Häufig wird dann nur einer, zwei oder gleich alle 4 entfernt.
Hej, koennt ihr euch vorstellen in der Slowakei zu leben? Ich kann es mir sehr gut vorstellen aber ich wuerde es nicht machen da ich aktuell in Stettin wohne und hier noch nichts vorgefallen ist was mich dazu bewegen wuerde von hier abzuhauen.
Die Frage steht oben, ich möchte sehr gerne Zahnärztin werden, mir ist die Zahnpflege und alles sehr wichtig, jedoch habe ich Keine perfekten Zähne, meine Zähne sind nicht schneeweiß und auch nicht Kerzen gerade, deshalb meine Frage (sieht oben). Sind perfekte Zähne wichtiger als gesunde Zähne oder gesunde Zähne wichtiger als perfekte Zähne? (meine Zahnärztin…
Diskussionsrunde: Seit ihr der Meinung das 9 Euro Ticket sollte weiterhin bestehen. Es gibt viele positive wie negative Aspekte. Es wäre lustig zu erfahren, welche Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse ihr mit dem 9 Euro Ticket gemacht habt. Meiner Meinung wäre es übrigens sinvoll eventuell es nur über den Sommer zu machen.
Hallo ☺️ ich habe im Oktober als Sekretärin bei einem Zahnarzt eine neue stelle angenommen und ich liebe meine neue arbeit. Im November hat leider mein letzter weissheitszahn angefangen zu schmerzen und mein chef, der Zahnarzt, hat ihn entfernt. Leider hat er da gesehen, dass ich sehr viele karies habe.. ich war, bis jetzt, angstpatientin…
Three more, one has been pulled up to now. I’ll let the other superiors move, the lower ones have enough space.
I was removed at 17. Had pain because they pressed against my other teeth & I had a fixed brace back then.
Accordingly, the then all 4 were removed at once, was definitely not nice.
I have no more. They wouldn’t have broken through with me, and then they would have made problems later. Therefore, they had to be removed surgically. I left one side in two sessions. It was pretty bad the first time, but fortunately the second time it wasn’t. I therefore had no problems or problems before. Pain, but you shouldn’t wait for it to happen. I think some will also delay the removal because, for example, they are afraid or do not yet see any need, but I do not think that should be done if it is certain that it will happen later. Under certain circumstances, you don’t even notice it immediately if it’s not related to pain.
I had to get rid of them at the time when I had to wear a brace for a lifetime and I had absolutely no opinion on it. They kept pushing against the other teeth, and in the long run my teeth would have gone wrong and that’s why they’re out.
With me the two lower problems have been made. But then said they should remove all four, that is to say the upper ones. They were already breaking through, and I had no desire to have a second time in the end for oral surgery.
All four of us were removed about 11 years ago.
It was a decision for my health, because with the 4 whiteness teeth, if they had stayed in it, then it could also have health consequences for Me, the risk was too great for my parents and also me.
Sure, removing has been painful, but better for me.
Are now all removed, have made problems
My wisdom teeth had to be drawn. The dentist advised me because all the caries had.
With me one was pulled every couple of years as soon as he made problems, one is still left. My doctor sees no reason to pull him. I don’t, so far he’s problem-free.
Two were removed a few years ago. I still have two.
I got all four of them in general anesthesia when I was 13 or 14. My jaw is too small (also now) and the teeth threatened to move after I got rid of my braces.
It didn’t hurt a second, not the days after. But my cheeks were swollen for two days.
All at once as I don’t like dentists like everything at once.
But at that time, slants were under the other teeth!
I still have them,but it was discussed when they were removed or not.
The upper pulled, the lower operated,extracted. All four at once, literally stunned. Nearly one hour the mouth was extremely wide. Since pine and neck problems.
This should be done either under general anesthesia/sedation, or locally abusive in 2 sessions. All 4 at once only locally stunned with someone who can’t do this quickly is already violent.
12 years ago, complaints don’t go away. So a ,.Visual surgery🤣
All 4 have been removed under stunning
Those 2 pieces once because my publishers in the jaw were not even 5 minutes per tooth
All four.
I haven’t seen them yet, but you can see them on the X-rays.
Love greetings and a beautiful evening ▼
Got all and two milk teeth. 30.
I exchanged my teeth for wisdom…
So far I still have them.
I still have one that keeps himself very stubborn and which I will probably take to the grave in contrast to many other teeth.
But they haven’t come out yet
One’s out. The others still do their work
have the wisdom
On 8.5.23 all four out.
It’s been a long time.
Had no place.
All available
But I think the nights have to get out
Didn’t know I had whiteness teeth… if so, did I (still) all!? o
Age: 40+
I don’t know what I got
On the right, I have another wisdom tooth.
My wisdom teeth were all drawn.
30 years ago.