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Gute Anime Serien, ähnlich wie Naruto Shippuden?
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I have
Where the money khoya…
Gova Are You Financial
but shukran for star
because I did nix
why so mad
what I did
a good
Jaaa go cry
You’re not allowed
I can
Hdf salmon alone
what do you get from ecke digga
Diggaaa tu nd as if I were baby ya tell eif
hahha how do you know
HAHAHHA better that you know to be innocent
What do you mean, jz? I’m stuck somewhere or I know that
yesos govale financial office my opps
Yes, I am. problem?
No, I don’t generally use any streaming services for which you have to pay (who’s doing is self-debtedness) because you don’t belong to one. But it is also different and much easier;-D
Yeah, but I don’t use it much right now. Only series I found good this year was Beef and Night Agent. Otherwise currently more Disney+ and WOWTV
I used to have Netflix, it’s been a while. At that time my daughter had completed a family abo and it was still a place free. I got it. But I’m telling you honestly… I wouldn’t spend a cent for it. It’s like that with me. I’m absolutely not a serial fan unless it’s a good mini series that’s in itself. So that’s what’s going on with me. And as far as movies are concerned…I have a very special taste, I actually have no so-called blockbusters (exceptions confirm the rule), because Netflix could really offer me nothing I haven’t seen or it just didn’t interest me. Then you’re sitting there for two hours….you’re here and there….in the end, I went out and finished. It’s nix for me. Only the series at that time, “The Crown” I liked very well….but I was always bored and worse.
I thought Netflix was showing movies. Is that just series?
Nee nee, are already films….but they are not interested in me, and I already know that I am interested in my collection….but many….very many series. ^^But the people are going full on…and then ask the questions here because they have not understood. ^^
Grins…nee, French movies are rather rare. But you can explicitly search for titles of movies if you know what you want to look at. But let’s say… if you’re looking for an older one, you’re better off at Amazon Prime. I need to look. As I said, I didn’t deal with it so much. I don’t have it anymore.
Is that just American shit or does it have new French movies?
Yes have everything to do with movies and often see it
But don’t look so often
Of course, since the end of 2016.
I’ve got prime and I can’t see it. I wouldn’t see Netflix anymore, so why don’t you spend money on it?
0 Interested in
No, I don’t and I don’t want to have
Yes, we have quite ALL!
Netflix, Sky HD, Disney+, Amazon Prime, etc. pp.
Yeah, but it’s being demonized because it’s really lame.
I have
Don’t pay for it.
Yeah, but I’m not looking at it much right now.
I didn’t live it
Haha soon comes the last season of Cobra Kai nh
yes my friend has
look mostly on top
Yeah, I did.
Yeah, I got Netflix. 👍
I don’t suck money cano
Why not? If you can afford it…
….7,99 € per month is affordable.
Except for extremely poor 😞