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Just a single time, at the last work before the exams. During this time I got 2 heavy ads, lost everything and knew that the Hellenritt was still coming to me and painfully realized that someone was extremely arseing me. In view of these circumstances, it is already an achievement not to have pissed in the exams themselves, although the teachers have constantly left the room.
LG Animelove007
In math hidden in the pusher of the calculator sometimes formulas and computing paths 😂
Of course, it was only in the higher classes when you were allowed to use a computer at all, but before that it was not necessary.
Once and never again. We were class best in math and in a job we had agreed to balance our results. One had “forget” his ruler and the other had a wooden ruler. We sat a meter of single tables in a hall. We were happy to compare our results by means of pencil on the ruler and “borrowing” of the ruler and thus saves us the counterweight. Then the math teacher jumped, kicked at my table, grabbed the ruler and said, “I’ll take it.” We both had the heart in our pants. Then the teacher went back to his table, underlined something in the classbook and handed out the ruler again. We both wrote our work on our own… and the extra stress must have cost us half a note.
At the university, I’ve written some spiders. However, the A3 were large. The goal was to gather everything essential on a sheet. When everything was up to what I could not remember, it was easy to learn by repeting the sheet by heart. The leaf then remained at home. But in the exam I first took an empty sheet and made my spice leaf under the eyes of supervision and quite legally. Then I went to the assignments and did everything I could. When I was insecure, I consulted my “recovered spices”. Has always worked well, I’ve always been good or just got through.
The same thing with the Spickzettel at my studies in some subjects is the same and the tactics of the lecturers behind it is not even so stupid: whoever writes a spicy note deals with the topic and what’s on it is usually learned automatically 😂
For any formulas or so it can be practical if you can practically write down the computational path (e.g. in physics or bookkeeping).
Klaro in certain subjects where I was very weak.
I’ve never been caught, but I’ve always had heartbeats when the teacher gets through the
, when we wrote works at school
Many of my class got caught.
LG Angel 👼
I once wrote French words on the palm of my hand….while writing them I could notice them and therefore, during the examination, supported the head on the hand…so I had the whole thing on the back…beim releasing the leaves at the front of the teacher, this before laughing almost pricked into the pants and I had no plan 😅
At my school time (there were no smartphones yet) I was so pissed: first the label of a beverage bottle was scanned on the computer. Then the ingredients list is washed away and the solutions are written in as flow text. Printed on a blank label and glued to the bottle again. Although my teacher looked at the bottle, he didn’t notice it.
Whenever I could, and I’ve always had anything to think of. Funny is, however, if you prepare a spicy then it is often superfluous.
Always. Mostly with smartwatch or phone. Sometimes also with classic spices.
Rather, sometimes not…
But that was at a time when, thanks to bullying etc., I had no more bock on learning and just wanted to change school. After that, I was good enough and didn’t need mogels anymore.
Yeah, it was. But luckily I never got caught.
Yes, several times.
No – I never needed; had everything under control…😂
Of course. In some subjects it was vital to survive
Yeah, more than once.
I can’t remember it, it’s like Olaf Scholz with the Warburg Bank.
No, never in more than 9 years school evacuated️
I don’t, but I see bottles where the answers are on the sticker, mobile phones and books next to the task sheet, rolled up solutions on the ink extinguisher….
Don’t forget the pappshield on the rubber band under the sweater.
Too big often 😅they sit on it or in the envelope of the pants is still a spooker in it
1x but just a little bit
Three times
Of course.
I’ve never dared to do that, so I’ve never done it. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄