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No I would never that is an absolute No Go
Would not fall into my dream, even though I myself am smokers; I can only tell anyone about smoking and would certainly not animate anyone…
No, I’ve grown up in a smoke-free home. Some even call me a militant smoke opponent. I’m not that extreme, but I wouldn’t give anyone a cigarette, no matter how old.
Never. The only advice is how they deal with things they want although they are too young.
No! I don’t smoke and therefore don’t have cigarettes, but even if I didn’t, I wouldn’t.
No, I haven’t yet, but I haven’t been asked about it yet, but I think I’d probably give cigarettes if I were asked by minors
Yes I am myself only 17 and with 12 I was given the first
Yes why not, I got some myself and who wants to smoke it anyway and find a way to get cigarettes.
No, if they want to smoke, they’re supposed to buy themselves some, but they’re not gonna get anything until 18 years.
I have 18 to buy
Everyone’s trying sometime. Don’t think it’s interesting. I’m not…
Never, I don’t have a lighter either. Smoking young people, just terrible.
Yeah, I’ll do it every day. My daughter smokes and gets them from us.
How old is she
If your daughter needs the cigarettes, and you give them to her, that’s better than if she’s worried about them in a different way and there’s a trouble.
I think it’s good that you’ll get your daughter’s cigarettes because if you didn’t do it, she’d make it secret and get the other ones.
OK is your opinion. I’ll handle it. But believe very many parents give their children cigarettes when they smoke.
I think it’s really weird to supply the daughter with cigarettes
No, because I don’t support health risk.
Yeah, sure, if someone asks me, he’ll get one of me.
Yes, regular.
Yeah, they don’t get cigarettes at the kiosk and want to smoke. You need help.
No? Besides, I am a minor.
But I’ve taken away the lighters from underage because they’ve been messing with it.
No, that’s forbiding itself!
Only my children when they were teenagers and our nieces.
There are no cigarettes from me because I don’t smoke myself.
But I wouldn’t support this for adolescents either.
Yes, as also minor 😆
I’ve never given cigarettes to anyone since I’m a non-smoker.
Not definitive
1. Children should not smoke
Two. I am self-smoker
No, but grass
I don’t know
No, I don’t have cigarettes.
I was wondering about 10 years old…”Haste mal ne Kippe?” I said…”Are you talking? No!!!” I’m not doing this.
I’m sure it used to happen at the disco in the dark room, so you don’t ask anyone about the age. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
As a minor.