Habt ihr mal in der Realität erlebt das ein Mensch das ganze Blut aus dem Körper verliert und die Organe ohne ein Tropfen Blut bleiben?
Ich habe dieses Jahr erlebt wie eine ältere Freundin (über 60 J) cca. 7 Liter Blut verloren hat auf einen Schlag durch Erbrechen ( Darm Durchbruch ). Bis der Notarzt gekommen war waren die Organe leer vom Blut,durch Notfall wurden IHR 7 Liter Blut gegeben,das Gehirn hatte zwar kein Schaden genommen,aber die andere Organe waren sehr betroffen,danach Blutvergiftung,Schwere Lungenentzündung,3x schwere OP,Morphium und danach war Sie Tod.
No, but I once looked at an autopsy from Gunther von Hagens. There he sucked the body’s blood and showed that our organs are actually colourless, almost transparent. The color of the organs comes mainly through our blood. Was very interesting…
No, and you can’t experience that if you don’t kill a person and let them run unconsciously. As soon as the blood loss is so high that the circulation breaks in and the heart has no more ejection, it no longer bleeds.
I also have to say that I doubt your story. At best, 7 liters of blood volume have really large people and transfusions take place in the rescue service only in exceptional cases and very rarely, because few rescue agents carry blood products. In all cases, they do not carry any amounts to enable a complete exchange transfusion.
Back to your question: Who would be completely bleededed is dead. There would be nothing to reanimate through transfusions.
Question answered?
Love greeting
No. I was on the spot like what happened. She should be suffocated by her own blood. What blood the woman has vomited can’t be imagined. It was really nasty to me from the smell, must run away into the fresh air. I had passed that I called the doctor, she refused to go with her and the doctor said with compulsion you can’t take anyone. The vomiting had calmed down a bit, then the family was on site. At 9 p.m., she wanted to drink water in the kitchen, because she was overthrown with her head on the table in powerlessness, so immediately the doctor came and had fixed on site that are about 6 liters of blood loss,you had further blood vomiting in the ambulance. Not OP,Darm wall broken. 7 liters of blood got you, the family was in the hospital. Brain had not taken any damage due to the rapid oxygen supply,ABER the kidneys,Lunge,Leber,Darm, ImmunSystem, Red blood bodies were very severely affected. The organs were dry empty of the blood, the doctor did not make any hopes. After two months she was dead and buried. There was also a reason why it came that you had neglected their health. Son with 5 years lost due to illness and death, daughter lost with 35 J due to illness and death. Processing of the loss was no longer possible. So this is reality and not a fake.
Again: It is not possible to lose 7 liters of blood if you have not even 7 liters of blood in your body. The average blood volume is about 5-6 liters. A woman over 60 years old will not have 7 liters of blood volume if she is not just 2.10 m tall and 120 kg heavy.
I would not be so explicit about this statement if it were not the core of your actual question:
Have you ever experienced in reality that a person loses all the blood from the body and remains the organs without a drop of blood?
From a medical point of view, one can only say: it is not possible. The blood flows only through organs when it is moved by the heart. From a blood loss of about half the blood volume present, the heart is no longer sufficiently filled. The result is that the blood volume ejected per heartbeat falls. As a result, the heart beats much faster to maintain a blood pressure, but this is not possible very soon and it comes to the circulatory arrest. From this point no more blood flows and the blood still in the vascular system and the tissues and organs remains where it is.
In order to get the whole blood out of the body, it is necessary to “rinse” the person who is already dead at that time from externally, for example with infusion solutions. Only then would the entire blood volume be eliminated. This takes place, among other things, in preservation when, for example, body donors who donate their body to anatomical institutes for the training of medical students are prepared for the preparation.
This is probably due to the fact that there was no pure blood, but a mixture of blood, gastric juice and possibly also stomach residue contents.
No, not yet.
If you see how people are crushed, I could understand this… but to spit out the whole blood, in spite of “intact” organs, without it escaping from the anus, no, I imagine quite impossible.
I can confirm to you 500% that it is happening,I was with the family anyway. She had intestinal wall eruption, and the blood did NOT get out of the anus,but she was looking for the way to vomiting (according to the doctor’s report). The organs were dry empty of blood (according to the upper doctor’s report). 7 liters of blood were pumped in. Very great damage had taken the organs such as liver, kidney, heart, lungs,immune system,arm. The brain had not taken any damage to why the doctor immediately gave oxygen and had lost consciousness because there was no blood left (according to the doctor’s report). You can’t even imagine that, but there are in reality.
Is there if you feed sharp chips from tungsten and then drive a roller coaster. But it also seeks two ways.
Look, so that a person can use such amounts of blood, it would have to gather somewhere where it goes into the stomach. But you must be aware that we are talking here about quantities that appear to be pregnant with a normal woman. Especially since the cosiness was triggered before.
If a person, for whatever reason, feeds 7L blood through the mouth, this person is more precious to save. Not only that very many important organs have to swim in the body in the liquid state, which one does not survive before, also all the veins in the body have to be damaged and the person has risen like a water balloon. If that were the case, it would be almost impossible to lose blood from both body openings due to the pressure or to utter massively.
But, as I said, even this does not correspond to reality, as one would already be over.
There are people who vomit a lot of blood, that has some unsightly reasons, but the crowd hasn’t reached 7L.
The only exception is one to roll up like a toothpaste tube and even then you will rarely achieve the result, as in most cases the skin would yield and the blood would flow away otherwise.
I’m thinking you misunderstood.
It must be something very rare. I’m sorry to hear that.
Too bad you haven’t seen it before and treated it.
I’ve seen a dead man on the obduction table.
But I haven’t experienced that yet.
This is not possible medically what you describe.
You’re mad. The man and son in front of IHR were in constant contact on site also in the hospital, with the doctor, the doctor (according to the doctor and the doctor’s report).
You can ask your trusted doctor. It’s all reality and not bullshit. LG
You can’t bleed completely, that’s just not possible. The bleeding stops when the heart stops. 7 liters could never be replaced in time, and the brain takes worse or no blood flow after 3 minutes.
So the 7 liters have to be a bit exaggerated.
He would probably explain in the same chest to you that Anakondas are poisonous snakes. 😁
Yes above all with what a self-confidence that tells such stories
Right, I just agreed to you. 😊👍 -Ulkig, what some people like … 😆
“She” is male according to profile.
Do you have to tell her
That’s not just excessive, that’s sorry, absolute megabullshit.
I have witnessed deaths, yes, but none as you described it
That’s all bullshit.