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Von Dortmund nach Minden mit Schokoticket?
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An etwas liegen Dativ oder Akkusativ?
“Hey Leute, ich lerne seit zwei Jahren Deutsch. Ich verstehe das mit Dativ und Akkusativ noch nicht ganz. Viele sagen, dass man es einfach können muss und es keine Regeln dafür gibt. Es gibt jedoch eine Regel, dass man anhand der Frage ‘wo’ oder ‘wohin’ den Kasus bestimmen kann. Aber wie kann man dann bei…
In my youth I stayed with 50 other colleagues after a concert in the sleeping bag in a village ward hall.
No full night, but I think I was in Augsburg for 4-5 hours, because (once again) the train showed its complete inability and gave me a connecting train that was impossible to achieve. After that, there was a train failure and contradictory statements from a sheepman, when everything was regulated, I could finally go to home in the early morning. Drecks bahn, Dreck Bayern. 😂
Maybe wait two hours for the first train in the morning, but don’t sleep.
As a locomotive driver, I have also occasionally stayed in station buildings because it was provided in my schedule, but of course in the planned accommodation rooms, and not at the bank ;D
2x this is unfortunately so when you live in the village and a train falls out
But once with a friend after the disco waited for the first move, a few hours.
well, not directly overlooked, but as the sweaters of BlaBlaCar once thought they were leaving the bus, I was allowed to look forward to the Hamburger ZOB from 23 to 6am in the morning and enjoy the bank
Over 5 hours is almost a whole night.
In the hotel in the railway station building
I have a home