Habt ihr Impfschäden?
Hat jemand von euch nach der Coronaimpfung Schaden davon getragen?
Hat jemand von euch nach der Coronaimpfung Schaden davon getragen?
Hallo, von meinem Freund die Schwester ist 15 Jahre alt. Sie war neulich auf einer Feier und hat nur hochprozentigen Alkohol getrunken. Ich habe ihr gesagt sie soll es lassen und sie kam betrunken nach Hause an. Sie hatte 1,2 Promille!!! Ich finde das für ein 15-Jähriges Mädchen ein bisschen zu viel…! Ist das jetzt…
Nimmt mich mal Wunder wie viel Geld das ist. Bin bald 50 IG und möchte gerne wissen was wir in der Zeit dafür aufgebracht haben für eigentlich so kleine Wirkung
Aknenormin soll akne beseitigen. Wie bekomme ich das? Muss ich extra zum arzt oder kann ich es bei einer Apotheke holen
Hallo. Bitte bitte liest es euch durch. Ist echt wichtig! ich wollte euch mal was fragen WARUM krieg ich immer so das verlangen Nach Speed wenn ich angetrunken oder sogar betrunken bin? das Ding ist ich bin leider ein Ex Junkie. Bzw ich war sehr stark süchtig nach Speed. Hab dann aufgehört und konnte nicht…
Bezüglich Corona, Ukraine, etc.
Halloo, bin aktuell bei meinem Bruder zu Besuch, er hat die Shisha angemacht und gesagt, das ich wenigstens einmal probieren solle, was ich aber beneint habe, da ich paar mal richtig geraucht habe als ich Betrunken war und es einfach nicht will und weil ich es einer Freundin versprochen habe, das ich es nicht mehr…
nö, was vaccinated twice, everything went well. also family and friends all double, all no problems. Believe only one person had a little fever
Of course not. It is necessary to distinguish between expected vaccination reactions, undesirable side effects and vaccination damage.
Vaccination damage is so rare that it would probably be like a six in the lottery if someone here could report about such a thing.
Yeah, it’s rare, but what if exactly I get what? Then it doesn’t bother me that it’s rare.
The risk that you have a serious course of disease in an infection is much more likely and you don’t expect that, do you?
But you’re afraid of the extremely unlikely case of a vaccination?
Rational thinking is something else!
The chance you get permanent damage through a Covid-19 disease is much higher. It’s a simple risk balancing.
This in turn is very unlikely. Especially due to much more contagious variants such as the current Delta and the upcoming Omikron. In the end, each 2G is either vaccinated or genesis.
Yeah, it’s true, it could be that I never get Corona or at least not in the next few years.
No, I’m fine and everyone else is fine I haven’t heard of any damage
Nope, had both paintings 3 days easy pain at the puncture site and that was
Yeah, just one day. An acquaintance of me had a stronger reaction during the third vaccination. But only one day. that’s not a problem. It shows that the vaccination works.
As vaccination damage is extremely rare, you will probably not find anyone here.
No, and I don’t know anyone who had
No human being has a vaccination damage, but because of the ongoing increasingly hysterical discussion, I see an ever-increasing roof damage in some science deniers.
Nothing outside the normal vaccination reactions immediately after vaccination and no longer lasting than 3 days.
No, only a few from my environment had 2-3 days of flu-like symptoms, that’s it.
vaccination reactions =/= vaccination damage
I assume that reactions were meant, “damages” in the sense of later or long term there is not.
Yeah, I know… it was just an info.
Yeah, you did, I don’t understand.
EXTREM rare to suffer the risk of corona, even with severe consequences (long-covid) or to die is a multiple higher!
Why do you always call me ”they’? I have a male profile or not?
The demand came for my answer.
No, she doesn’t mean… demand.
Of course there are vaccination damage. Very rare but of course
I had a headache for two days. But still better than a week 40°C fever like Corona ansich.
These are vaccination reactions and no vaccination damage
I don’t, my father. He’s got three yesterday. Once vaccinated and probably felt exhausted at the end of the day. That’s it.
This is a normal vaccination reaction. A vaccination is something that remains.
Vaccination reactions are not vaccination damage.
It’s not a vaccine damage, it’s just a harmless vaccination reaction.
No, nothing. I don’t know anyone from my environment who has caused vaccination.
Only a few vaccinations, but they were gone after 3 days at the latest,
No, I’m fine.
in my acquaintance, unfortunately, two wonderful people – who have been fit for a long time before – died a few months after the coronary vaccination, and that is exactly what reaffirms me in my plan not to let me be inoculated!
GESTORBEN?? Wow, I’m sorry. How old were they?
the one was 63, the other 75
Yeah, I can understand if someone is afraid of it. I know there are such people. But I can’t understand. I’m just different. For me, only numbers count.
The probability of getting serious or lasting damage by vaccination is perhaps 0.001%. The probability of dying Corona is about 1% for over 60 years.
I also know people who bought a new TV and died a few months later. Heart attack, or driving a car against a tree. But was the TV owed?
Such stories were very fast in vaccinations. Everyone’s still a little dense. They are often freely invented.
At least 90% of the over 18 years old are vaccinated with us in the village and in my music club are 100% vaccinated. That’s just beautiful, and soothing when you know that can’t happen. It’s almost like Corona. No distance. No mouth protection. You can give your hand, hug yourself, or even kiss. No problem.
But the 20% vaccines keep the infection running.
I can’t take your decision. but that there should be a duty of vaccination for all of you, in my opinion, is something like guardianship and oppression
So here in Austria is mandatory for vaccination from February and you can’t get out. I don’t know what to do.
I’ll pay the fine. but I’m not going to inoculate. because there is always a residual risk. that’s fact. even if it is very small
You wanted to let me intrude, but if I hear something like that again. And what are you doing should a vaccination come?
I have the feeling that after the second vaccination I have paralysis phenomena on the right arm and somehow get bad air.. regret it totally vaccinated me..
And you haven’t been to the doctor because of that? Don’t worry, it’s just psychosomatic?
Was I, they’re still controlling it!
When were you vaccinated?
The 2nd vaccination I had on 20 October 🙂
That’s bullshit. How do you get from LongCovid vaccination? The vaccination does not even contain Corona, how should a consequent damage of Corona develop?
Krass.. Yes Pain and bad air getting is just Corona.. I think you can also get through the vaccination of Long Covid.
Neither I, nor my family, friends or workmates have got any damage by vaccination.
No, I have no vaccination damage. Even in my environment, no one has carried away a vaccination damage.
No! Only side effects, which is normal!
No, and I don’t know anyone who had the bad luck.
The first vaccination was nix. I found worse.Lag all day in bed and was tired.
I mean, of course you didn’t have a vaccination damage.
No. Of course not. Everything’s perfect.
No. I went and I’m fine.
I have no damage after vaccination.
No 3x vaccinated!
No, how do you get that?
Pain at the puncture site, headache, fatigue and muscle pain for months
Are you sure you are for months have these complaints?
What does your doctor say?
Oh, okay, I read it.
It can’t be that you for months “Schmerzen an der Einstichstelle” etc.
This is not possible physiologically, since the vaccine has long since been out of the body and the muscle tissue has already regenerated.
”painting at the puncture site, headache, fatigue and muscle pain for months”
He wrote for months
These are only vaccinations, but no vaccination damage!
I don’t