Habt ihr im Winter Hausschuhe,Socken an oder seit ihr Barfuss?
Ich m/19 bin oft Barfuss weil es angenehmer ist und ich habe auch ne Bodenheizung 😀
Und ihr soo?
Ich m/19 bin oft Barfuss weil es angenehmer ist und ich habe auch ne Bodenheizung 😀
Und ihr soo?
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In winter I wear home, or, if I enter other apartments, always house sandals, e.g. Birki Arizona or Madrid.
Without sandals, it’s too cold on the stone floor.
In winter mostly with socks, sometimes barefoot.
Hi, Lukas,
I’m usually in my socks when I’m home.
I always have socks in winter, but unfortunately also have no floor heating
I am at home even without underfloor heating exclusively and in every season barefoot, as I don’t like socks at all. So you can understand.
I also hate socks and have been wearing no more at all for about 10 years
Perfect decision! 😊
Among us is no underfloor heating but are basements that never come to 20°C or more, whether winter or summer. The ground is cold. I also like to wear sneakers, so I have house sneakers that I only wear at home (Nike Free, adidas Ultraboost, ON Cloud 5, New Balance 530)
Hello Lukas 🤗
At home I always wear either cuddly socks, a pantyhose or both 😅
We have a floor heating at home, but I still often have cold feet evacuated
I wish you a nice evening 🌕
Well, with your advantage of floor heating, I’d probably run barefoot! Unfortunately, I don’t have such a luxury, so socks and slippers are standard with me! 👍😎
But only in winter then or always?
If we don’t have one, I think it’s a bit expensive. But the floor is always warm because the ones among us heat like mad 😂
There’s also floor heating with a friend, so I know. Sometimes it’s very warm at the feet, but I don’t dare to take off the socks.
Probably, but I have no chance to try it. Do not know with floor heating. Do you have one?
Yeah, too. But I’m always running with socks when it comes to floor heating. But it wouldn’t be a problem for you to let them go if the floor was warm?
The kids with us usually stop socks over tights or just stop socks and the older keep normal socks or tights. I only wear socks at home
Whatever. Don’t you like showing your feet? 😅
I’m always barefoot whether inside or outside, shoes and socks I haven’t got a new one for years
With me in the apartment, I’m basically barefoot. However, I have no floor heating.
I am always barefoot in every season
I have socks or I am barefoot but without floor heating
Even in winter? I’m not even in summer 😅
In winter I wear slippers in the apartment with tights.
Barefoot would be too cold, especially crusty on the tiles! In the upper floor on wooden floor I also run barefoot
Heyy I wear either socks or am barefoot a floor heating I unfortunately have nd haha :3
Barefoot + flip-flops or crocs.
always barefoot just like my cat! I think we had the question before?
You mean your parents have a floor heating
I use slippers or socks
I’d be too cold.
Always barefoot
I wear socks