Habt ihr im Internet schlechte Erfahrungen mit Nutzern gemacht?
Die Frage geht nun mehr an die weiblichen Nutzer hier bei gute Frage. Habt ihr hier oder auch schon auf anderen Plattformen, social media, u.s.w wie zum Beispiel auch instagram mit Männern schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht, seid ihr beleidigt, belästigt oder gar bedroht worden? Und wie habt ihr euch verhalten?
That’s what happened
Again and again I was attacked or harassed by many requests
But I was strong and I confessed it
rubber ball
That’s always good when women show strength, right?
I am a man
Well, it can happen to men.
I’ve been threatened by men whose avenances I have not given.
One wanted to pay me money for sex.
Move it.
But I note that there are mainly female users who are trying to wage war against me because I dare to live as they would never dare.
That must trigger incredibly hard. You always find them in questions about the same topics with me.
… or some people simply have such a boring, unfulfilled life that they need it.
Some are waiting exactly for certain questions and then usually fall into two and confirm each other how come I am. Then there will no longer be debated with me, but rather about me and alerted each other to my failures of the day.
I’m sorry, and I can only congratulate you on your strength
Thank you. It’s a day like this.
You can say that. There are some crazy people here.
There are many strange people here.
Oh, yes…very often, harassments are on the agenda, but don’t want to go into detail.
I can understand that very well. I have already experienced quite plump and stupid attempts to approach the very primitive way.
One has become rather disgusting (sexisting) when I said there is no interest.
He came to the Ignorelist.
A good choice, some users don’t want it any other way
Yeah, it really seems like that.
Yes, unfortunately, here with a user who wanted to force me to work for sex, a relationship, Islam and the headcloth as well as that I wanted to work at home.
I only know one that I knew before in the right life, who harassed me by sms