Habt ihr Ideen dafür?

Hey leute ich wollte euch mal zu rat fragen, nämlich hab ich mir letztens mein bein gebrochen und wollte euch fragen was ihr so für Ideen habt was man so mit weiblichen freunden so machen kann (also ob so bsp Filmabend bei mir okay is oder schon komisch kommt). Einfach ein paar Ideen wo man nicht lange stehen muss oder so. Ideen für jungs auch supa weil ich will ja mit meinen Kumpeln natürlich auch was machen

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1 year ago

The most important tip. The presence of a vagina prevents you from amazingly few actions. If your friends like to watch movies, just ask if they want to. Because it comes to their opinions. You can’t say that flat-rate and ask it costs nix.

What you can do without much:

  • Social games (my favorite),
  • Console / PC cocks,
  • cook / bake (with sensible task sharing),
  • films or series,
  • crafts (something from fashion, but possible, where there is not only Christmas decoration, you can get used to with guys tabeltop hobby – necrumunda gang, for example, I found very horny earlier),
  • organize you a lent wheelchair and make a tour and you let you slide mainly (even because you realize what others have to fight every day),
  • design and build a companion for the tour itself,
  • singing, play theater,
  • Go to the theater,
  • With the help of YouTube videos try to understand and explain the theory of retention (or another topic that interests you)
  • become artistically active (male, sculptors, copper engraving, potters, creative, photographic, print combinations such as photos and make art with materials and color, and many art forms more),
  • Visit a drum workshop or make music in general if there is previous knowledge,
  • Plan your climate protest

I’m sure there’s more to think about. I’m sure there was a bunch of things you or anyone wouldn’t say. It’s just a matter of preferences. That’s why I called a par. Vll was there anyway. If you don’t have to keep thinking.

1 year ago
Reply to  iCharley
