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Yeah, right now. It was just a little fun. One of my empty battery started to burn, fortunately nothing else happened. I think next year I won’t buy fireworks anymore. For these few minutes you burn zig Euros
With us, fortunately nothing happened that we might have broken her road because the ones were too hot
Yes, for approx. 340€, along with several others who still had a lot.
Yes.After two years again something.Not much.Also clean up.
I’m probably not gonna fit a few, but we’re having fun.
When I light fireworks, I don’t get anything from the fireworks, I’m busy with burning! That was very extreme once, so the visit had brought so many little bulls… since then I just go out and let others be so stupid!
Let’s go. I was responsible for shopping 😂
Ne, but I already burn my fingers when I light a candle 🤷 ♀️
Have fun – next year is bought twice as much.
I’d rather watch others burn their money and I had a free fireworks.
I didn’t
Look at Lidel. People drank. have seemingly too much money
No, I didn’t. Don’t like New Year’s anyway.
but no expensive – I’ve tried good cheap batteries before, as well as volcanoes and XXL wonder candles.
For what.
I burn my money in the best case in the form of pipe tobacco.
No. Not my thing
Only a few colorful rockets and fountains for the little daughter and my soul… 😉
Because of the environment and the animals
There were enough men who did it.
No waste of money and not good for the animals and the environment.
I did that.
Ne just shot with a shot gun is cheaper and louder than the Böller
.. spend my money more useful.
I didn’t buy anything and I need my money to live.