Habt ihr Geschwister?
Ich m14 hab nen kleinen Bruder (7) und ne kleine Schwester (5). Und manchmal können die echt richtig nervig sein aber ich hab sie trotzdem lieb. Habt ihr Geschwister? Was mich interessiert: Wie verstehen sich Stiefgeschwister? Gerne mit eurem Alter und das eures Geschwisterkindes
Have a younger brother (15) and we’re cool with each other, but it’s probably because I don’t live with my parents anymore and that we’ve become older xD.
Right. We have about 4 years of age difference.
Three siblings.
An older brother and two younger sisters. Meanwhile we are all 4 over 18. And I’m the only one who cares for himself.
My brother is 2 years older than me, my first sister came 5 years after me, and the second sister in 2004, 2 years after.
Then it was over. I think Papa had slow enough kids, if we had gone to Mum, we’d be 6.
Theoretically I am the 3rd Child, as the first child was lost in my mother’s first weeks of pregnancy.
I have three siblings or only two. My older brother is 51, my older sister is 40. My younger sister died unfortunately when she was 15. She’d be 35 if she were alive.
I’m 37.
I have not only one, but 2 more noble Brueder and I feel that I was the Nervige of us three:-) but we have always understood each other well.
However, there is still lack of a quantity or the possibility to cross several answers. For example, I have a big sister, a little sister, and I had a big brother who was unfortunately already dead.
I have three siblings and I’m the second oldest. We understand each other great, even though the pussies have flew as we have been in puberty.
Got two little sisters. the nerves often but they love
oh yes, and then I have another little sister. those of my best friend I used to hang around when we were teenagers.
A twin sister 8 min older than me, and an older brother
Yes unfortunately an elder sister and a little brother
2 small sisters
1 Great Sister
1 big brother
I am a single child 🙂
Three brothers and one sister.