Habt ihr Geschwister?
Wenn ja, dann beantwortet doch bitte folgende Fragen:
- Sind sie nervig?
- Habt ihr sie lieb?
- Teilt ihr euch ein Zimmer oder hat jedes Geschwisterkind sein eigenes?
- Wenn ihr nen kleinen Bruder/ne kleine Schwester habt, warum ist das praktisch?
- Wenn ihr nen großen Bruder/ne große Schwester habt, was ist daran cool?
Have no brothers 13 and 11, we all have a room for themselves! Even if they are annoying, I love them @
I even have 4 older brothers and I am alone as a girl
No annoying they are rare they actually make pretty much everything I ask them. Only when they were younger they were very loud at the time and because of them I am afraid of balls 👍🏻
We all have our own room otherwise don’t feel good with the guys. 🚑
I love her very much even all four
Cool is that they are easier to convince than my parents, and that they look damn similar to me.
I have a brother and he’s just a year and 16 days younger than me.
(He 58, I 59.)
Of course, as a child, the one has always looked at me, and of course we have also argued, but most of all I was glad to have him, because I was never alone – for example on holiday.
Even today, where we both rarely see each other, our relationship is still very good.
I have three older siblings.
No, we’re all grown up. As children we were all very annoying in part )
2 even very, a sister (to whom I hardly have contact) not at all.
We had a common room at the time, was a bit narrow but somehow funny….
All because we understand super, help each other, have a lot of fun and laugh together.
We have hated ourselves (have shared a room before/school). In the meantime, it’s okay, and I’m just gonna find her a bit too annoying.
I had an older sister and two younger half brothers.
My sister married richly and died of coke, my younger half-brother sat down with 22 the golden shot and my middle half-brother is a baker – altaselle, grandfather and next year also retired.
I have a big and a little sister, and we’ve all grown up for a long time. Understand us as children and today it is still like that.
We also shared a room, which was beautiful on the one hand, because one told each other stories while sleeping, but also was not always easy, especially in puberty where everyone wanted privacy.
Yes, I can imagine, but it’s really nothing bad to see each other as siblings nacky.
Well, when we came to a certain age, it was no longer pleasant. We then mounted curtains around our beds 🙂
Hahah sweet. Yes so with the beginning of puberty it becomes embarrassing, my brother doesn’t even pee next to me or turns around when I just pull my sleepsuit 😂😂
and a little sister.
Of course
We all have our own room
I can’t call you now.
She has a little more life experience and I can therefore sometimes ask her for advice. Because she’s full-year, she can sometimes get me some stuff I don’t get to when I’m 15.
and additionally a small brother, who are 5&8 years younger. I liked both of them and I came out well with them. Of course there were stressful situations, but I didn’t want to miss a moment. 🙂
I had a room for myself, the two shared a room for quite a long time.
Which means practical, it was just beautiful. It was fun to take care of the children and to teach me basics in dealing with children. It was also nice to be admired as a model.
18 years younger than me.
Yes, very.
I don’t live in my parents’ house anymore, so the question is no longer necessary.
Since I was 18 years old when I was born, it showed me wonderfully what it means to raise a child and that it is nothing for me.
Oh, that’s right. But even if the larger siblings are only 5 or 6, they can or must help a little, especially things like diapers or feeding. I will do this with my children
Bzw. Had, he died almost three years ago.
We fought and beat ourselves a lot in childhood and youth (now with him 19, I 17).
We had a great, familiar relationship only when I became 19 mothers.
My sincere condolences 💐
I have a little sister who’s 7 years old.
No, she’s not annoying.
Yeah, I love my sister very much.
She has her own room.
We do a lot together and like to play something together.
Greetings Vanni 🙂
1. No contact
Two. No
3. We never shared a room
4. Nothing’s cool. We had a good relationship, he changed into the bad one and no one has contact.
I’m 14 and my brother is 24.
Ah also 10 years of age difference as with me and my little brother
Unfortunately, my parents did not take care of a sibling a few decades ago. I’d like to have had a little sister like that.
Even today, they tell me more often (mainly of course on my birthday) that at that time I might have asked if they could not buy a sister for me in the department store.
Oh, sweet 🥰! Yes I can say from my own experience: small siblings are great. You can fuck them with the big brother and always be their hero
Of course my brother is annoying, but of course I love him too. We don’t share a room because he’s already pulled out. But we didn’t share one before.
I have a big brother and a big sister.
She’s already 16. But I love her and she always helps me with problems and if I have to ask 😊
We have own rooms🤙
I think I sometimes go to her nerves 😁
I’ve got a big brother he doesn’t live with me anymore only that annoys me and he doesn’t write to me, and he’s 27 years old doesn’t live with me he lives in Bavaria has his own apartment and lives with his girlfriend.
She’s not that small anymore. She’s 20.
Little brother 12 years.
Got two 11 and 16 years.
We don’t like each other.
Actually, half-brother. But he’s like a real brother and friend for me. I don’t want to imagine a life without him.
And I wouldn’t have wanted any siblings.
2 brothers, 62 and 64 years old!
45 years old.