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Schaffe ich es Pilot zu werden?
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I wouldn’t say the fear was completely gone, but it’s not as bad as I thought. I just flew twice. The first time 30 years ago in Majorca, and although nothing has happened in any way, I had nightmares of crashing and so for years. I’ve always said, even if I’d win a flight trip, I wouldn’t be able to get it. And now I had to go back to that thing last summer, I was with my daughter in London, and because she was so scared, I couldn’t even fuck around, I had to tear myself together. And behold, the great panic is gone now. I don’t think I’ll fly again in my life, but I could. So, to close targets. I don’t need 10 or more hours.
How, why and why this fear has evolved, I really can’t say I was unbiased at the first flight.
But still fly, even if I don’t like to do it.
I love flying. I’m not afraid.
I love flying