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Hello Nettermensch,
I don’t think nobody’s supposed to say that he doesn’t get scared when it’s really shaking. Especially when a stewardess screams panically.
But I’ve often flew enough, and I’ve already been on a landing trip. I was tired too.
No, rather the opposite, I like to remember this cool thunderstorm in the mountains between Ankara and Istanbul – it was far enough away, but still has air holes produced and we should buckle.
No, otherwise I wouldn’t have flew into the holiday every year in my life and, of course, back again.
yes, very strong, that’s why I flew three times, the first time I found out that I was fluent and the other two paintings weren’t different.
I love flying over everything, I used to be afraid of being a toddler. Go every year 1-2 by plane on holiday
I don’t have an extreme fear, but I don’t feel very comfortable on the plane. Also all the Gedöns with the security controls and that you give up your luggage or to wait for this, my annoying. I’m just flying out of love. 😁
No, I’m not afraid of flying. On the contrary, I like flying! I have often flew and I am still fascinated by the whole technique of the aircraft
No, not at all
But I can’t sleep on the plane.
Yeah, but I’m still flying.
I have no fear of flying.